His Dark Materials


His Lord High Stinkyness
Feb 24, 2004
New Jersey
I just finished reading the 1st book in this series (The Golden Compass). The song made me curious so I decided to pick the book up and give it a try. In all honsty it didn't impress me much. Based upon that, would it even be worth it for me to pick up the 2nd and 3rd ones?
I think it's really cool that you checked out the book based on the song. :cool:

Most people seem to like the 1st book the best. Several people I had read them even lost interest on the 2nd or 3rd book.

However, I personally feel they keep getting better and better and better as you go along. I think they are some of the best books I've ever read, and definitely one of the best series ever.

I'd suggest you keep going. It's gets more bizarre, but also deeper. At any rate, at least you gave the 1st one a shot. :)
I read the entire trilogy a couple years ago. The first one is great, but there's some pretty serious bias building up in the second two books that, if you take religion seriously, will probably piss you off - I have a friend who refused to finish reading it for that reason. For all the fuss the fundamentalists made about Harry Potter, I'm surprised there wasn't a public backlash against this trilogy as well.

*pets the fat furry daemon snoozing on the floor by her feet*
Hey! Good to see you, Jaime! :)

Agreed - I think the books get more deep and bizarre as you go, and that includes some very interesting and creative thinking on religion. The thing is, part of the Christian religion is supposed to be questioning faith for growth, so it's funny when people are close minded enough not to even finish a book because of an interesting twist on their beliefs.

This is a cool site with information on the series: His Dark Materials