...his not dying bride;)

Wow! :eek:) I don't really want to get married,
but if my beloved one agreed to something
like that I'd marry him, no doubt about it! lol!
Hehehe... Well, seriously, I WISH IT WAS MY
WEDDING!!! Hehe... >:eek:P
:eek: That was way cool!

Can I come? I would be :cry: , coz I bet it will be beautifull, but if you wouldn´t mind having me there...:)

-phyros (not likely to make it anyway :cry: )
it would be fun though to have a wedding out in nature with Otyg playing (live if possible :p ) while everybody dance around, Karldin leading the folk dance of course ;)
two years ago I went to a wedding from one of my best friends (the girl who organises our trips to wacken :) )
and on the ball they just plugged many metal themes, the first one (when the wedding cake came out was Windmill from Helloween's Chameleon) and also, Ride The Sky, Mr.Sandman (BG version of course) and many others...there were some metalheads dancing and the rest of the dudes at the party just looked at us as if they were at the zoo :)
shame they didn't throw any food though :loco:
sounds kick ass man, in both stories hehe. If I ever find a chick who likes the same music as me, and looks good, than were getting hitched on the spot! NO QUESTIONS ASKED! :D
Originally posted by Final_Vision
sounds kick ass man, in both stories hehe. If I ever find a chick who likes the same music as me, and looks good, than were getting hitched on the spot! NO QUESTIONS ASKED! :D

Yeah, I used to say the same, but the women (even the hot ones) at concerts can be scary folk. Besides, I also required them to be into football... and be half way intelligent.