"Historical" question


Jun 14, 2007
Well, I feel this is the right section to ask for that (I don't know why, just feel it). It goes especially for those who live in Sweden, Norway and extreme north in general (if not only for them). After seeing recently some documentary on the black metal and the situtation in Norway during those years I wanna ask: you who were there..how did you live those days? Did you really fear something, did you really feel in some way to menaced by happenings that were going on and that you couldn't control at all?

Wait to see the direct witnesses of the facts..I'd like to focus on these ones that were maybe even part of an extreme metal band (but completely external to the events)..
It was a clear winter's night in December. The harsh cold kept the streets of the city empty; not even the A-team dared to brave the arctic northern winds to have that last Christmas get-together over a crate of Lapin Kulta. We had not seen the sun for days, such was the extremity of our town's northern location, and deep down, we all feared that the insanity that is Seasonal Affective Disorder was lurking just behind the corner. It was in order to reinforce our defences against this malevolent plague that I was sent on my way to the video rental store, with strict orders to rent naught but merry rompings and slapstick farce, preferably British, but the complete series of Pistvakt would do, too.

I trudged along the snow-covered roads and past the town square, usually so alive with kebab vans, night club visitors and drug dealers, but now it was silent and empty. I had only just passed the phallic fountain, when a sudden, menacing chill in the air made me aware that I was not alone. Whoever else was out there was evil and wished to harm me. I quickly hid behind the concrete pillars outside the shopping mall, and waited.

He came stalking across the square. Black was the manner of his dress, and his freshly applied corpse paint shone in the darkness like the beacon of a lighthouse warning ships of shallow waters. He emitted a clinking sound as he walked and as he drew closer, I concluded that it emanated from the vast array of spikes arranged along his arms and legs. Intrigued while simultaneously fearing for my life, I decided to follow him. It soon became clear that he was heading towards the local church. It also became clear that his awe-inspiring, fuck-me pirate boots were not made for our northern shores, for he kept slipping and proceeded to flail his arms and screech before regaining his balance. Twice he fell over, once on his side, once on his arse. He got up again while forcefully invoking the names of Satan and all his dwellings and continued. Soon both of us had reached the church. He had not yet discovered my presence, and I hid behind a tombstone and watched what he did next.

From the dark and sinister depths of his pockets, he produced a box of matches, a can of Lapin Kulta and a crayon. He used the crayon first. The church door was tall and wide and made of wood, as church doors are wont to be. In the lower right corner of it, the black-clad one attempted to draw something, but he had only drawn a half-circle when an audible snap sent splinters of crayon flying all over the church steps. Cursing, the sinister one now opened the can of Lapin Kulta and poured the contents all over the door. He then lit a match and held it against the door, but alas, the beer-soaked wood would not ignite. Match after match he lit, but to no avail. Finally, he threw the match box away with a scream and began pounding on the door while again invoking Satan and all his dwellings, as well as both the male and female reproductive organs. As a final gesture of defiance, he aimed a powerful kick at the wooden enemy, but slipped and fell down the church steps. Still swearing, he brushed the snow from between his spikes, got up and stalked off, muttering to himself and shaking his fists in the air. The menace in the air subsided.

I was alone.
@violens: now seriously, i think that what NL was trying to tell you is that the whole hype is exaggerated.
...Albeit in a rather wordy manner, sorry to hit you with a wall of text there. I got a bit carried away, but phrases such as "extreme north" and "menace" just got my imagination going. Granted, I was rather young when the Norwegian gentlemen went around killing homosexuals and burning churches, and I'm sure there was some panic in the tabloids (where else?), but really, I don't think anyone with their sanity intact ever went around in constant fear, running screaming whenever a grim, tr00 necro black metaller came walking down the street.
@rahvin: c'mon, i wasn't serious. all this confusion, must be the satan spirit. :p
@Violens: northerners = heathens. churches = alone.
so i don't think anyone was in much fear, they probably just cheered. :p
...Albeit in a rather wordy manner, sorry to hit you with a wall of text there. I got a bit carried away, but phrases such as "extreme north" and "menace" just got my imagination going. Granted, I was rather young when the Norwegian gentlemen went around killing homosexuals and burning churches, and I'm sure there was some panic in the tabloids (where else?), but really, I don't think anyone with their sanity intact ever went around in constant fear, running screaming whenever a grim, tr00 necro black metaller came walking down the street.


I'm not offended and I understand what you mean..in the first post I wanted to use such words as extreme north etc. to give emphasis to the whole thing :)..by the way all the documentaries' stuff has, probably during the time and using its power to make something more mythical than how it was, given a darker tone and maybe even invented some fact. It was just my curiosity, though.
Most of the people who went around burning churches in those days are into bunnies and caturdays now :p
I think what we got us here is a copycat wannabe.
A copycat lookin' for inspuration and idears! And bring all kinds o' trouble and violens!

You gon' come 'round my town and burn my church down, boy?!

Why me?
Ok, this topic has completely failed..

i don't think we have a single norwegian here, and i've got the impression that if the bm thing had any impact on a subcultural level (as opposed to headlines about specific murders and similar, that is) remotely close to the hype, it was there.

if you haven't already you might want to take a look at lords of chaos. taken with a grain of salt it's pretty entertaining, and it contains quite a few interview excerpts from back then.
there was a norwegian here a while ago. i forgot his nickname, but i remember that he told us about the 2 norwegian languages