Hitman: The Movie


Ol Drake
May 18, 2005
Fuck the reviews. I loved this film.

I was addicted to the games, from the first to the last, and this film is a perfect transfer to the film medium. I enjoyed it from start to finish. They got 47 perfect with.....whatever his name is. That brings me to my other point, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it if 47 was a well known actor (I heard they were going to get Vin Diesel- NO).

The only thing I'd have changed is the pointless but fortunately un-ventured love interest. Love stories in a film about a hitman = balls.

I can see why a lot of people didn't like it, but for hardcore fans of the game I think it's a must to see.

I heard about 5 people whilst walking out saying "that was fucking shit". It just shows how different people interpret the same thing.


I haven't played the games, but I read reviews of them. The film was actually pretty decent, better than other game-to-film adaptations I've seen (Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within... urgh, wtf)
I haven't played the games too, but i was really surprised by the movie.It was fcking amazing! I liked it.I had a good laugh on the part where 47 goes through the window in the hotel and he sees the kids playing Hitman :lol::lol:tricky...and the movie is made in Bulgaria,which im really proud of :oops:
Just reading through all those old post topics and came across this one

I was given this Dvd as a Birthday gift from my brother and I watched it last night

I actually quite enjoyed it, The action scenes were quite hilarious and I have never played the game

So would you recommend the game then?