hmm...this can't be good

Gosh golly gee, you guys are upbeat!

If love becomes painful, it is no longer love, and probably never was love. It is meant to be eternal, true? Either way, it is ginger beer compared to need. So, why bother with it. When things cease to be on the endorphin level, you have gotten somewhere. Love can go sit in the other boat. I'll sail free on my sea of need.

"I wouldn't sacrifice anything at all to love."
DP - Stories of Old

...perhaps to need :)
Hey Thorns.. what a place to pick up chicks, the Dan Swano Message Board! Haha, just kidding... Love is usually a phase of projecting all that is missing from your own personality -- onto someone else and when you realize that the projections do not meet the expectations, you fall out of love and into pain. Gin is a wonderful painkiller.. goes great with Emperor turned up to 11... makes me smile, then puke, or in reverse order.. I cant remember which comes first though, probably the smiling.
How can you project something you don't have? Obviously, you have those traits if you can project them. So, why not become them? Why do people fear themselves so? I can never figure it. I guess being free is a scary concept to most. The land of water is much more different than the realm of land, it seems.

Plus, what happens when the projection pales in comparison to the truth?

As for gin, it took a kidney and tried to take a soul. I'd stay away from that stuff if I were you!

(Wonders when she will get to her 20th post so she may have an avatar :)
when the fear of losing the loved one isn't exaggerated it can be a sign of love..somehow a proof that the other person is of great significance of somebody.For example when a couple fights and the fear appears,it is somehow justified.Yet when this fear is constant i wouldn't say it is so healthy,it would be rather that somethings is wrong in the couple...either that one of the partners is not so self-secure or that the other fails to give him/her the securite he/she needs.

Painful love is still love...with the word painful i didn't meant harming the other person or sth.I meant the pain one feels when things are not going well,when love is not return,when someones feels shit that he/she unintentionally hurt the other person.....

Projection is not about getting traits that your personality lacks..Projection is about hmm let's say somehow "imaging" that the other person has some traits you value much.It is somehow creating an image not with things you lack but with the things you would like your partner to have.
Obviously when projections pale,one realizes the fallacy and ceases to be interested in the other person.
Personally i don't believe love is a projection.The projection theory is rather valid when you are just infatuated with somebody,but when it comes to true love i think it has no rules...
You love the other person for what he/she is...and hehe since love has no rules you can even end up with people having habits/beliefs/traits etc etc you would never "like" your loved one to have when you were praying to GodessLuck to deliver your ideal man :D

uuuuuhhhhhhh,i think i talk much tonight....

~mel~ :oops:
too much love talk, making me depressed... like the Sisters of Mercy song, " is always over in the morning..." No really, Itry not to spend too much time thinking about the fear/love equation. I'll know when I meet "the one". when I do sense that fear, I know that it is probably not a situation that has much future potential, as fighting and arguments help couples see eye to eye and you shouldnt fear the other leaving you based on an argument or a fight, unless you really deserve it! If that's the case, you didnt deserve the perso in the first place, which is usually the situation I find myself in since I dedicate my life to my job and not my relationships. Life is too complicated. I am going ot go listen to Slayer and design an album cover. Hooray!
she makes me cry, cuz she is beautiful, and intelligent. She put eloquently just put into words IMO the essence of love. And i am going through a venemous and malicious breakup now, and for almost a week. I loved this girl so much it hurt, and she didn't love me half as much, 6 months of my life i spent with her...I did everything for her, I WAS everything for her. But in the end all that means shit, if two people are not kindred there is no use in blindly convincing ones self that love will prevail. In my case it did not. I wanted to love so bad, I wanted comittment, but i guess in the end that was my downfall.

And for the record I am not trying to pick up Melancholia, hehe, Me from New York City, and her from Greece, even I am not that naive...hehe =)
Originally posted by Slipknot_isn't_metal
you know Unicorn's "The Sorrow Song" right ? .....well something like that seems to be happening to me right now (or will happen anyday now) :( .... damn this song is awesome...

anyhow, sorry if this is spam :/

hey man, im really sorry to hear this about ya... well ya, hope everything turns for the better. \m/ death to necrobobsledders \m/
Thorns of Sorrow@ it's sad that your relationship didn't end well.... I guess no words can offer comfort when love gets lost,only time and letting all your sorrow come out can heal.... Be strong and i hope things will get better for you....sometimes life can be unbelievably unpredictable...
Yeah, It seems like your current relationship status ( cant find better words) is the only thing that matters to your emotional status. If your relationship is great nothing can stop you and you are "happy", but if it sucks, your life sucks...Its like this for me, my life sucks big time now but it really shouldnt, Its summer, I`m waiting for a trip through Europe(by train) and my grades is great. But because of one girl everything just is misery. I think I`m happy but then I see her with someone else and my world falls down. Its like the swedish musician Lars W says "Dina ögon kan krossa min värld, som stenar mot glas.....Sorry for putting my situation on you, just had to share it with someone....