Hmmm...Anthrax...Corey Taylor?

Sorry, don't see how this could work.
I do not think this is a good fit at all.

ANTHRAX should pack it up. They have been milking the name long enough.

They were my absolute favorite band in the ATL / Euphoria era.
Bush is a good singer and frontman, but the band was never the same.

ANTHRAX always seem to go with the times, so I can see from a business standpoint why getting the "Slipknot" vocalist might make sense, though I do not think stylisticaly it works.

Though it does not surprise me given the fact that Scott Ian is nothing but a media whore these days.

This isn't simply an Anti-Anthrax rant.
This is coming from someone who used to be a HUGE fan.
(And still am of their classic material, and some Bush-era material).

I can predict this easily.
They will record an album, and land on Gigantour, or Ozzfest for one tour, and then Taylor will leave. I can't see this being a long term thing.
They will record an album, and land on Gigantour, or Ozzfest for one tour, and then Taylor will leave. I can't see this being a long term thing.

Your probably right about this. And I do agree with most of what you said....although, IMO, I can't stand when bands start getting stale...classic or not...doesn't matter. It started to happen with Joey by the end of his run, & it was also the case with Bush, except for their last album which was decent & probably their best since Sound of White Noise, IMO.

And trust me, I was a HUGE Anthrax fan as well...all through high school (STD thru SoP) nothing disappointed me more than Joey leaving. But that was then. Now, I think that doing an album with Joey probably wouldn't have worked...sorry. The only ppl that would actually care are the older 'Thrax fans...and doing that would also further push them into obliveon, IMO.

They've done their reunion stint, and it was as big as it would ever be...and even with that tour, ppl only really cared about the older material...mostly pre-SoE. So, I highly doubt doing another new album with Joey would do dick for their future/career. However, with Taylor, they stil have a chance at being relevant in today's metal world, and isn'ts that what really matters? As far as the band's career is concerned
Yeah, I don't think another album with Belladonna would have been anything great either.

They did get stale with Belladonna after State of Euphoria.
The combination of another cover song (Got the Time) and the Public Enemy collaboration were the final straw for me.

Anthrax were never a 100% horns-in-the-air metal band, and always were a little cartoonish, but it got a bit silly.

It will help their career in that it will most likely end up with them getting signed by Roadrunner. I just simply can not tolerate Slipknot. Everything I have heard from them has made me go, "What? How can anyone even call this music, let alone metal???!!???" Just my opinion.
Anthrax + Corey Taylor = Good Career Move, but bad choice on vocalist.

Sorry, don't see how this could work.
I do not think this is a good fit at all.

ANTHRAX should pack it up. They have been milking the name long enough.

They were my absolute favorite band in the ATL / Euphoria era.
Bush is a good singer and frontman, but the band was never the same.

ANTHRAX always seem to go with the times, so I can see from a business standpoint why getting the "Slipknot" vocalist might make sense, though I do not think stylisticaly it works.

Though it does not surprise me given the fact that Scott Ian is nothing but a media whore these days.

This isn't simply an Anti-Anthrax rant.
This is coming from someone who used to be a HUGE fan.
(And still am of their classic material, and some Bush-era material).

I can predict this easily.
They will record an album, and land on Gigantour, or Ozzfest for one tour, and then Taylor will leave. I can't see this being a long term thing.

This basically sums it all up :p
I read about this yesterday and my initial reaction was, WTF?! I never saw that one coming. For me, it's not even about whether they are picking a good singer or a bad singer. The point is how many times are they gonna change the face of Anthrax? I'm a fan of the Joey era and even the Bush era. Sound of White Noise being my fav. for the latter. I dug the reunion tour and it was cool for me cuz I never got to see Anthrax "back in the day" and to see them with Joey was awesome.

But now, we kind of get into the Van Halen syndrome. Love the original DLR and I loved a lot of the Hagar stuff. But when you go a third time...and we saw what happened with Gary just tends to die.

Call me nuts but I see a pattern here. Like I said, I never would have guessed Corey Taylor...if it flies and it works then so be it. I just don't see it happening.
Please, don't even ponder the thought of ANTHRAX for P'Fest.

Rachel, you made some excellent points.
Some bands simply don't know when to say when.

I am actually kind of surprised Scott Ian hasn't just started a new band. I could have seen him join some band like HELLYEAH or something.
Jasonic and Rob, you guys think Anthrax got stale in the end with Belladonna? That might have been the case as far as the relationship of the band members at the time, but I couldn't disagree more as far as their recorded output. While I was a fan in high school, I wan't a die-hard and they always seemed to be a bit of a joke, between their outfits and some of their (very) juvinile(spell?) lyrical output.

All that said..."Persistence Of Time" in my book is by far their BEST album. This is where they started to grow up and write some lyrics with thought and meaning behind them, and their musical output was the heaviest and most adventurous to date. With the exception of "Got The Time", that album is a total and utter classic.

But fast-forward to the year 2007...Anthrax is completely and utterly irrelevant in today's heavy music scene. I couldn't care less who sings for them. They have nothing left in them to respect anymore anyhow.
Well, I agree the song writing matured, but is that really Anthrax' forte?
They wrote some more meaningful tracks earlier on too, like "Who Cares Wins" off Euphoria.

Sound of White Noise was great. Too bad they never followed through well with Bush.
Honestly, the reason why I fell in love with Anthrax back in high school, other than their killer riffs/music, was actually the way they dressed & acted...silly. ;)

At that point in time, most metal bands were taking themselves way too seriously (the "metal" look? the "metal" attitude? :Smug: :rolleyes: ...whatever! ) & Anthrax were the freshest band around but who can still rip it up musically!

At least they were being themselves & not putting on an act...therefore being true to themselves & their fans...not being fake! Perfect example of this is Metallica...specifically Hetfield. They/he were the epitome of the metal look & attitude in the 80s, but in reality Hetfield was a closet redneck country fan who preferred to wear cowboy boots & a stetson hat....yeah, that's metal. :lol: :p

Personally, I don't care what a band looks like or acts long as they write killer music...also, for me, lyrics are important, but a FAR second to the music written. If the music sucks, the most thought provoking lyrics in the world don't mean shit! :p

IMO, it's when many (not ALL, but many!) bands start to "mature" is when they lose their true/honest metal spark.

---End of Rant--- ;)