Hmmm..... But it's Anthrax people!

Pretty much.

And Paul Dianno is a coked-up has been with a shit voice anyway, why Anthrax fans would want him in the band is beyond me.
Ohyeah I signed the petition!!!

Never was a big fan of Anthrax but I tell you something, if they get Paul Di'Anno on board I'LL BE RIGHT DOWN THE FRONT IF THEY COME HERE!!!!!:headbang:
Di'Anno? Uh, no thank you.

Di'Anno had his heyday. That was a LOOOOONG time ago. Besides, it isn't like he has special talents that will help out 'Thrax. They've had an excellent singer in Bush. They've had a below average singer in Belladona (who did his best work way back on Spreading the Disease). Either way, they've put out good music. They don't need Di'Anno's vocals, and I don't think he has 'star power' to get them noticed.

Steve in Philly
Why not? Paul let it go when Praying Mantis offer him so 17 years ago or so. This may be a good chance to do something :D

He may be cooked up, but with Anthrax he has a better chance than keep playing two Maiden albums for the rest of his life. Besides Bush HAS to go to Armored Saint and Belladona doesn't want the job. May be better to have Paul before a mallcore kid want to step up and completely screw Anthrax beyond redemption.

I know it's a silly bet on empty, just a crazy idea on the cyberspace but damn it's funny!

Another idea may be David Lee Roth, I heard he's free nowdays :devil:
I know it'll never really happen but I'd like to hear ROB HALFORD sing with Anthrax just to hear him do Anthrax.
It'd be cool to hear Medusa and Armed and Dangerouse or Metal Thrashing Mad.:headbang: :kickass: :headbang:
Paul's voice is shot and he's a shadow of his former self, just like Anthrax. 2 losers combined won't make a winner.

OK both were great a long time ago, but times have changed and I think Anthrax are at the end of the road now. Except if they (Ian/Benante) can find a gifted new singer and stop being greedy hypocrites, but I won't bet on that...

Bring on Armored Saint reunion damn it! :D