Hobbits, Weston Super Mare 28th Oct

Nope, saw no hobbits, or witchy women either. Lara Croft and Snow White were present though...

Well, really really enjoyed my first Intense gig - superb show. The new tracks sound good (hurry up with the new CD eh lads....) Many thanks to Neil for the lift there (and back!) Hope to see the band again soon..

Hey Belinda, we all wondered who you were due to Neils great introduction skills :p
Glad you enjoyed your first show, and we are doing out best with the new album :D

There were some witchy women later on though it may have been my eyes due to the alchohol ;), did spot Lara and Snow white plus a very dodgy lookin doctor and a few other that made the effort... the music style of the club went a little strange later on but heh it was a fun night, what i can remember of it ,... :loco:
haha yeah the music... um. From what I remember (and let's face it, it's not a lot)there was a lot of dodgy dance music and that was their 'metal night' so lord knows what you get on the 'rock and metal night'. None the less I'm reliably informed that I did dance (yeah thanks for that Sean).
Hey guys are you going to Hammerfall? If so, see you there!
S x
More emo near the end i think apart from some Maiden (thank god) ... still the entertainment was good ... lol ... and some nice outfits amongst the shite ones ... i think we had a good judging panel set up :D