Hola!!!(To Metallica Sucks Cock)


Suzy McGwire

hi you ummm i was PMSing last time so dont worry i wont hurt you if you act like a fag!!!! CT THRASH is awesome!!!! but its music sucks!!!!!! -----Sorry bout that, but she just had to write soemthing to ya, she's retarded if you haven't noticed already. She called me an "it"!!If you're wondering where the hell she came from, well, we're playing around in my journalism class, and she likes to intrude on what I'm doing on the I-Net!
CT Thrash.... I hope metallica sucks (whatever) doesn't try to track down Suzy (if that's her real name) because he is a sick bastard. He may try to rape her or make her pose nude with animals. Be Careful and Take Care. Adios Amogos.
Yeah this is suzy. well you are too late that fucking bastard already tried to rape me but i kicked him in the balls and he fell down so i got away just in time. ok thank you buh bye you.