Holiday Parties...


Aaahhh, it's that time of year. Everybody loves Holiday Parties. I did my work get together last week at a lake resort, and tonight I am going to the holiday gathering of the local county prosecutor. Ha, you can't beat boozing and drugging with all of your towns prosecuting attorneys and judges :hotjump: Again, TD has the system beat. L8er this week, I'll have a gathering for all of my friends in the TYficiency apt. Peace out yo.
My restaurant has been hosting alot Christmas parties. I had alot of late night fun with one of the guests but it might come back to me and get me in trouble with my boss. We're not supposed to fraternize with the clientele. Hopefully, this bitch will keep her mouth shut. If I get in trouble though, it was worth it. She was a freak.
i dont know about xmas parties but i always thought the link with drinking heaps and losing your voice was a myth cough cough cough,i went to the pub at10am yesterday and had a few schooners and decided to gather some freinds and drink at home,silly me put in the great suggestion of going back down the pub at 9pm,i think all that saved me from throwing my heart up was a filthy beef kebab.
My xmas party at work was on Monday at the Glasgow Hilton. Free food+free booze=very fucked up Jockthrax. I go out quite regular with my workmates and they've all seen me blitzed but they said i was exceptionaly fucked up. I was in a kinda standing up coma. But it was a pretty damn good nite!