

Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Just want to give it to T-Man, thanx a lot for your songs and they DO kick major ass! For those who haven´t heard it yet it´s a real dose of aggressive thrash/power metal and I can sure hear Mike Muir´s influence on T´s vocal!
I like the song Poser 2K the most, it´s exactly my "glass of beer".

I would really like to put the songs here, but now I have them on my harddisc and I don´t know how to do it. I put my songs here coz they are on the internet and I only pasted a link. I could store the Hollowpoint on some ftp server, gotta figure it out somehow.

Stay fucking metal!:headbang: :worship:
I appreciate the fact that you like them, and am hoping to make some music with you sometime soon!!! Thanks again for the good review!!

johnnieCzech said:
Just want to give it to T-Man, thanx a lot for your songs and they DO kick major ass! For those who haven´t heard it yet it´s a real dose of aggressive thrash/power metal and I can sure hear Mike Muir´s influence on T´s vocal!
I like the song Poser 2K the most, it´s exactly my "glass of beer".

I would really like to put the songs here, but now I have them on my harddisc and I don´t know how to do it. I put my songs here coz they are on the internet and I only pasted a link. I could store the Hollowpoint on some ftp server, gotta figure it out somehow.

Stay fucking metal!:headbang: :worship: