holy bejesus: my huge mean obese coworker has a giant candy dispenser on her desk


Aug 2, 2002
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like, literally one of those giant plastic funnel dispensers they have in movie theaters and it's full of giant sized peanut butter cups.
they're gonna have to grease this bitch up by november just to get her out of the fucking cubicle. i can hear her esophagus sealing shut from over here. WHEEZE WHEEZE WHEEZE.
dude i think she might kill me if i go near it. there are now officially two girls in this office that *hate* my guts. and they could both crush me.
a funnel? what, is it like suspended above her with a pull chain so one only need tip the head back and yank to become subsumed in chocolatey goodness?

actually, if i liked candy, that would be cool.
no it's more like a giant clear plastic TUBE, maybe 6" in diameter. and like, if you open a little door at the bottom candy comes out. like one of those bulk food dispensers. but it's literally at least 4' high. AND FULL.
Attacking giant life-sized personified Reeses.
Eric I TOTALLY hung out with Mr. Reeses Cup - we used to go to Hershey Park all the time. I have to tell you though, Mr. Bar None was a lot cooler (he wears shades). We followed Bar None around the park yelling "Bar None! You're the COOLEST OF THE CANDY!!!" We even walked with him in the candy parade. Ah, to be 17 again.

And it's been my lifelong dream to tip over one of the Kisses and watch them flail their arms and legs in a futile attempt to stand up.
Yeah, that was an odd jinx. Not only did you both relate the same thought, but you both used my real name.

No, I've never been. Gotta go there someday- only been to Pittsburgh and Philly in PA. Eat N Park doesn't seem quite as continental as Hershey Park. I'm assuming you're speaking of actual Hershey PA...

And I'm still fascinated how Google image search retrieves weird things: like how Hershey Park brings back an image of Britney Spears. I could extrapolate and hypothesize, but I think it's more fun to let your mind to wander.