Holy F***** Sh*T


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
I just got off the phone with Joey Demaio, and Eric Adams of Manowar! ... they just called to make sure I was ok and to let me know tha we are in their thoughts .... wow what a thing to wake up too :headbang: I dont care what anybody says the Manowar guys are freakin awsome!
The real humans, that's what counts in the end.
I just got off the phone with Joey Demaio, and Eric Adams of Manowar! ... they just called to make sure I was ok and to let me know tha we are in their thoughts .... wow what a thing to wake up too :headbang: I dont care what anybody says the Manowar guys are freakin awsome!

They seem like cool guys.
Guess they are.
That's awesome man! How'd they get ahold of you? You fairly well known by them or were they just moved by your story?

I dont actually know them Just a fan ... so when mom left I wrote them an email just hoping for a nice Manowar reply which is what I got which was neat!! and somebody else within the Magic Circle Music organization contacted me and got my number ... I had no Idea I would get a call from Joey an Eric ... so yeah they were just moved by my story ...Eric lost his mom not to long ago and Joey lost his dad, so I guess my story just had a great affect on them ... really freakin cool man I gotta tell ya!
I'm not a Manowar fan, BUT what they did was pretty damn cool, and they are obviously upstanding dudes. For that, they earned my respect! There, I said it! :)
They are amazing, I have always been a fan of theirs, but after years of reading their booklets I kinda figured they were cocky pricks ... no way! during my convo with both men they were very humble and nice ... they have tickets for me for the Magic Circle Fest in July, they have both lost parents in the last few years so they new exactly where I was coming from. it was a very sweet gesture, I will forever sing their praises for what they have done for me ... its not everyday one of your favorite bands calls to check on your well being and to cheer you up ... Like em or Hate em Manowar are Kings of Metal ... shit they are Kings amoungst men as far as I am concerned ...... and hell after what they have done for me if you dont respect them you have no soul :)
Very cool to hear that they read their fan mail & care enough to respond.
The guy I play with was in DSG for a short period.

I have been a Manowar fan forever,own all their CD's and DVD's!
All I can say is this doesn't surprise me! Real people here.Manowar is AWESOME! Hope you are doing well and all.
