Holy fucking lightning...


Aggressive Perfector
Jul 29, 2002
Under the Whip
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Seeing as it's the general way posts go here - usually unrelated to the board's namesake - I'd just like to share my observations about the thunderstorm going on outside right now.

It's very bright and loud.

And if it cuts out my power, I run outside and scream obscenities at the top of my lungs, til I am smote - either by a bolt of lightning or by a downed power line. While I'm out cold, I get a nicotine and mr. pibb IV, and when I come to, I'm my 'normal' self again.

Just thought you'd like to know.

NP: Terror 2000 - Faster Disaster
Kicks the shit out of it? Such an understatement I have never heard. It kills Dr. Pepper with a shotgun blast to the face, then kills DP's thugs, and then its own family, Keyser Soze style.
...You know you want the doctor pepper, it curses through your veins... you must have it... in runs through your blood..

Right now, millions of gallons of soda are being spilled all over the world in vendettas like the aforementioned, and all you can say is 'what the hell are you talking about?'

Open your eyes, we're at war, man!
dude coke is way better than pepsi. but royal crown kicks them both in the nuts and fuckes their wives till the sun comes up. all bow down to the true king r.c. cola.
R.C. does level everything in it's path just like.....
Yeah, u didn't count on Dr. Thunder comin' in here and whoopin' up on Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb now did ya?!? yeah, he's gonna fuck u all up, this is war, and the thunder is gonna win

*editor's note: Dr. Thunder has the obvious advantage since this post origionally started about lighting. gasp, i didn't realize that until just now, spooky