Holy god this guy is brilliant (VG humor)


Feb 20, 2005
Usually I take a dim view of video game humor (given its often overly nerdy predilection), but this guy is absolutely brilliant - his name is Ben Croshaw, better known as "Yahtzee" for some unknown (at least to me) reason, and every week he does a "review" of a different game, usually current. While the wit of his dialogue is amazing, to me the real humor is in the images/animations, from the hysterically silly cartoony actions to the awesomely bad visual puns. It's hard to know where to start, cuz they're all so good, but this one comes to mind as an especially funny one (I love his descriptions of the two endings). Oh, and he's the one in the awesome hat, and that little black gremlin dude with the Canadians-as-depicted-by-South-Park head is awesomely adorable and makes regular appearances. Enjoy!

I love that guy. He's kind of a celebrity over here. He actually applied for a job at the place I work... needless to say, he's not a very good game designer, but probably the best reviewer I've ever heard :).
I dunno, Bioshock's ending was exceptionally lame, and the enemies took WAY too many hits to bring down later in the game - but otherwise I thought the combat was your average FPS affair (meaning, not bad, but nothing special), and holy fucking god, the level design! I mean the architecture, the level of detail in all the surfaces, all of the designs, it was just incredible...what an amazingly immersive experience, the art design is some of the best I've ever seen, and really demonstrates how far video games have come IMO. Check out Yahtzee's other reviews, they're all amazing (and it's interesting to hear that he's a sensation in Australia; Moony, what exactly was he doing in an auditorium bringing in that many people? That's not quite something I'd imagine an internet phenomenon could pull off...)
He was invited to be on some panel about 'what makes a good game', or something or other. That's what the auditorium was for. They're planning another one in a month or two at a much larger venue down here in Melbourne.