Holy shit ... Dark Tranquillity's "Character" ...

... is a great fucking album! I recommend all you Vehemence fans check it out immediately. Definitely one of my contenders for album of the year already! It's a lot more aggressive than "Damage Done," and more technical, but just as catchy and has a lot of the same cool electronic tinges that their newer stuff has. Highly recommended!
For some reason I find it to be simpler than their other albums, and i cant really get into it. (DT is in my top 3 of all time, and i even give haven and projector 10's) Hopefully it grows on me.
sweet majestic darkness said:
I'm loving this cd, for sure. I have never before checked out Dark Tranquility,not for sure why I haven't, but this is an awesome cd from start to finish. I would really like to start checking out alot of thier other stuff since this is the only one I have heard.

The next album I'd check out after is "Damage Done," which they released prior to "Character." Then I'd go for "The Gallery" or "Mind's I."
You should be warned though... this is by far the most heavy/technical DT album to date. The rest of the material is a million more times gothenburg esque, and i get bored of it quickly. For some reason the only DT albums i really like are Skydancer and Character, which is my favorite (Really cant get enough of it, its weird that most of the other cds dont interest me).
I like the studio work they did on it, similar to the new Nightrage album.

By new album do you mean sweet vengeance or descent into chaos?

...and yeah i just picked up character sunday night and it's great. I like damage done a lot too. I havn't heard much of their older stuff though, just a few songs.
Fall_of_Empyrean said:
... is a great fucking album! I recommend all you Vehemence fans check it out immediately. Definitely one of my contenders for album of the year already! It's a lot more aggressive than "Damage Done," and more technical, but just as catchy and has a lot of the same cool electronic tinges that their newer stuff has. Highly recommended!

well, I take your word justin as I know how you are similiar in elitism as I am sometimes.
I had grown bored with melodic swedish deathmetal especially with how bad in flames and soilwork have become and with 2/3 of all metalcore bands ripping off half ass wise all swedish melodic death metal but thankfully DT is one band that does it right!
I expected a lot more of it...

I withnessed DT since their SKYDANCER release. Both SKYDANCER and THE GALLERY blew me totally away. Since then it went the downwards spiral and with DAMAGE DONE and also CHARACTER they seem to rise again. Ten years ago I saw some superb shows of them. A few weeks ago I saw them on the Kreator tour and they surely didn't impress me. Actually I think they were quite boring... Pitty. BUT! CHARACTER is surely above the average melodic death metal release.