Holy Shit! Metal Archives seized by US District Court


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Wanted to check out something on Metal Archives and got the following:


Either it is an April Fool's joke or well Holy shit - Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering, Conspiracy to Commit Copyright Infringement, Money Laundering, Criminal Copyright Infringement
Never mind it is an April Fools Joke if you go there you get the Statement, but if you click the upper right hand portion of the picture it takes you to the site. Sorry folks
Clicking it takes you to the real site, by the way ;)

Edit: I see you already noticed. Anyway...
On one hand, I figure that's impossible, they don't host any pirated content.

On the other, I recalled that no trial is necessary to shut down these sites, the government could just seize every metal site tomorrow on the suspicion they were engaged in pirating. Including this one, since there's gotta be a link to a torrent around Ultimate metal somewhere that a mod missed.
I cant get over how many stupid facebook post I read yesterday with people linking fake news thinking it was real. If anyone is wondering and looking to buy property...I have some swampland in florida for sale and a hot girlfreind in Canada as well.
I cant get over how many stupid facebook post I read yesterday with people linking fake news thinking it was real. If anyone is wondering and looking to buy property...I have some swampland in florida for sale and a hot girlfreind in Canada as well.

I have a feeling people will be more interested on your Canada property than the Florida one... :lol:
I cant beleive anyone beleives anything on April 1st that they read that is out of the ordinary. sad.

It is and honestly, it's getting annoying. Bands and people alike are doing absurd amounts of April Fool's stories and it's really getting tiresome. I miss April Fool's when it was in a non-online format. Ha!
Am I the only one on this board that feels it would have been a beautiful thing IF MA was actually shut down?

via internet metal nerds going outside for a change....
No, the FBI did not seize our domain. No, no one was indicted with racketeering, money laundering and other nefarious activities. This was all, of course, an April Fools prank. Nothing illegal has ever been going on here, obviously.

I admit, the prank was a lot more successful than I expected, based on various reactions I have seen all over the Internet. I had written the date in the browser's title and allowed the clicking of the image to make it disappear and lead to the site normally, yet apparently many people failed to notice any of that... Sorry if we caused any heart attacks ;) but this goes to show that people tend to be very reactionary instead of stopping for a second and using a bit of critical thinking.

Sorry again for that wee bit of trolling. But hey, that's what April the 1st is for! Until next year. m/

but this goes to show that people tend to be very reactionary instead of stopping for a second and using a bit of critical thinking.

Not a particular or specific stab at anyone, but if you found something that could be more true about people across the internet, enlighten me.