Holy shit sauce UFO footage

at the end of the video there are these red/orange dots in the air.
i saw these (not exactly these but the same looking shit) last summer.
thing was blurry and damn far away, it still looked so huge, moved slow
and then dissapeared in about two seconds from the sky. scared the shit out of me.
at the end of the video there are these red/orange dots in the air.
i saw these (not exactly these but the same looking shit) last summer.
thing was blurry and damn far away, it still looked so huge, moved slow
and then dissapeared in about two seconds from the sky. scared the shit out of me.

I've had some weird sightings too. No where near as extreme as that video but sightings non the less... to me anyway.

Few years ago, I saw two of orb looking, almost like stars, in the sky, looked like they were moving really slowly, barely even moving, didn't think much of it but carried on watching anyway. I thought they could have been satellites or something, but then all of a sudden, they got a lot faster and began to chase each other. They went round in circles and weaved around each other for a good couple of minutes. Eventually the lights just died out, not shot off or disappeared instantly, just faded. Weird!

And no, I wasn't high or under the influence of any substance

You're familiar with the words "hoax" "photoshop" and "cgi" right?

Inb4 iwanttobelieve.

I dont get non believers!

Non believer: We want proof
Beleiver: Here you go
Non believer: Its shopped, I want more.

There is various angles on some of the videos, different cameras, different people etc.

Ah well, I'm a believer, I'm the crazy one :Smokin:
I've had some weird sightings too. No where near as extreme as that video but sightings non the less... to me anyway.

Few years ago, I saw two of orb looking, almost like stars, in the sky, looked like they were moving really slowly, barely even moving, didn't think much of it but carried on watching anyway. I thought they could have been satellites or something, but then all of a sudden, they got a lot faster and began to chase each other. They went round in circles and weaved around each other for a good couple of minutes. Eventually the lights just died out, not shot off or disappeared instantly, just faded. Weird!

And no, I wasn't high or under the influence of any substance

the thing i saw was orb like also. it was gloving orange then it turned grey without changing the size.
i am not a pro in physics but do not gloving objects appear bigger? this one just turned from orange
into gray without actually chanigng it's size.

first i thought that it was a baloon or plane or whatever but then again,
it was very blurry, which means that it was damn far away, right?

the fact that it still looked so huge made me think that it must be
gigantic as things that are far away always look tiny...

it was floating and barely moving, same as you described then suddenly it
started to move and accelerated, two seconds later it was gone, it just faded.

i am not an UFO freak, i also do not believe all the videos and stuff,
but i believe what i see and this thing was not anything made by human hand.
the thing i saw was orb like also. it was gloving orange then it turned grey without changing the size.
i am not a pro in physics but do not gloving objects appear bigger? this one just turned from orange
into gray without actually chanigng it's size.

first i thought that it was a baloon or plane or whatever but then again,
it was very blurry, which means that it was damn far away, right?

the fact that it still looked so huge made me think that it must be
gigantic as things that are far away always look tiny...

it was floating and barely moving, same as you described then suddenly it
started to move and accelerated, two seconds later it was gone, it just faded.

i am not an UFO freak, i also do not believe all the videos and stuff,
but i believe what i see and this thing was not anything made by human hand.

I am skeptical with videos but until somebody hands me undeniable hard facts that it was fake, I'll keep believing them. Some of the footage in the video is unreal, there's even news reports on half of them.

My experience sounds VERY similar to yours apart from the changing colors part

That's debatable. ;)

Touche my friend, touche!
...Touche my friend, touche!

Haha :) Not trying to shoot down anyone's belief's or opinions on this...as I don't know what to think either. But, I have to ask myself...if there really is intelligent life out there (and wouldn't odds say that there is, somewhere?)...why the heck would they want to get involved with US??
but until somebody hands me undeniable hard facts that it was fake, I'll keep believing them.

Sounds like an argument for "God". Not valid IMO.

The video doesn't prove crap to me. I'll take the rational rout. No evidence (hard scientific facts) so I won't "believe" it.

Also, playing the chance game amounts to Pascal's Wager but on a different subject. :popcorn:
Haha :) Not trying to shoot down anyone's belief's or opinions on this...as I don't know what to think either. But, I have to ask myself...if there really is intelligent life out there (and wouldn't odds say that there is, somewhere?)...why the heck would they want to get involved with US??

"They" could ask us the same question. Personally, I think its do with technology/weaponry. Or even "them" observing and studying the human race?

Its like us analyzing something as plain as a mouse. Its still a part of our world, just because its small and doesn't do much, doesn't mean we shouldn't take the time to see what this little critter is all about!
Sounds like an argument for "God". Not valid IMO.

To the me though, there is no proof of "God" or a God. I've never seen any video evidence of him casually poking his head through the clouds, just seen his son's face appear on some pancakes... strangely... thats enough for some people.

Anyway, this isn't a religion thing, there is more proof and evidence that extra terrestrial life does exist, rather than not, IMO.