Holy Shit Troy...

I've played Blacklist about 45 times. That has some of the best guitar work I've heard in years. Double solo. Beat that. Insane bridges, near dynamic shifts...(need about 100 more listens). I'm in heaven....

Could say more about hammett. But, he did donate money to some really important causes.
Maharet said:
Wee! i have to pick it up! so it really destroys everything?

Potty mouthed, furious metal. It's beating me up. It does destroy. I haven't been this amped about a release since Amon Amarth. I'm saying this because I'm unregisturd. Sorta. It's nearly the best Exodus put out. If not the best....

"There is no mystery, what you did is what you see, you betray my loyalty, you shouldn't have done me wrong, now I do you harm, my revenge is guaranteed! You stab me in the back, spit right in my eye..." "Theres never enough ways to throw you AWAY!!!! You better start running cause you know that I'm coming, I'm loaded and I never miss.......I'm adding your name to my blacklist..."


Must make new sig now....
thewendy said:
The Exodus forum is over at http://www.exodusattack.com/phpBB
if anybody cares to take the Exodus discussion further.

(not that you can't discuss it over here, just pointing out they also
have their own forum)
Holy shit! It's thewendy! Are you the webmistress for them too? I thought you were...I was just looking for the official site. Thanks for the link. It's nice to have a forum back up.