I'm starting to wish I got a Gamecube instead of an Xbox. Gamecube may be full of mostly kiddie games (or at least games with kiddie graphics) but they seem to be loaded with gameplay. Xbox hasn't had a good game since... like... Deathrow.
Xbox= mechassault online... booya.

Halo 2 and Fable both should rock bigtime as well... Soul Calibur 2 as well... but every system has that... we got spawn though.
Whatever. Spawn sucks. I hate the Todd McFarlane (although he is a rare genius when it comes to action figure licenses). I think Link is the choice pick. The ones that *really* get ripped are PS2 owners. I mean, if I wanted to play a character from Tekken I think there's a little game called Tekken.
Fable is going to own.

If Halo 2 has piss poor repetitive level design like the first one, then fuck it. The levels were badly designed. Even Bungie admits this.

Fable is definitely worth buying the system for, but we won't see it for another 9 months. By then, the system will have probably gone through another price drop and I'll pick it up then. I'm very happy with my GC and PS2.
I was looking at the E3 readout stuff on IGN, and the only 2 systems that had exciting things were GC and xbox... ps2 is great because they buy off square (bastards), but as far as quality shit goes... I have Panzer Dragoon Saga, Mechassault (with new downloaded content waiting for when I get home), The Two Towers was fun for a weekend (the new one will own with 2 player mode), Timesplitters 2 (money), and Unreal (its not bad.. but I play mechassault more online).... these are all good games, some great. Not to mention that Knights of the Old Republic is shaping up to be one hell of a game, and that will be out in july. I am no fanboy mind you... when Xenosaga came out I almost sold all my xbox games and my xbox for a PS2 and that game.. but I didnt... looking at the future (starcraft:ghost, Halo2, Fable, Star wars MMORPG, True Fantasy Online, Soul Calibur 2.. ect.) I think I'm still happy with the choice.
Yeah, there's not much exciting in PS2 land, but Sony having a lock on Grand Theft Auto for the next year and a half is almost all you need to say. XBox needs to come out with some exclusives on the double time. Halo 2 will perhaps be really good - although not having played I have to say that the negative reviews of the first one seemed to make a bit more sense than the positive ones....But why the F can't Microsoft pay for a good exclusive title?!?! That company eats bowls of twenty dollar bills for breakfast and they couldn't keep, say, Splinter Cell from making it onto GC/PS2? What the fuck?

But the PC is where it's at, if for no other reason than Half-Life 2. I mean, holy fuck. I didn't think anything was going to come out in the next year to put Doom 3 totally to shame, but jeebus. And then Homeworld 2? C'mon.
That's it, that's the problem with Halo. Shitty level design. That's it exactly. I couldn't put my finger on the boredom that game caused me, and that it is definitely it.

I think Soul Caliber 2 will be the sweetest with Link, definitely. I'm going to buy that game for the Gamecube over all other systems.

I think the PS2 is the best system for one reason: rpgs.

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Final Fantasy X-2
Wild Arms 3
Dark Cloud 2

It's like some benevolent deity is trying to get me to complete use up all my time playing rpgs... and I am enjoying it full-heartedly.
LuminousAether said:
That's it, that's the problem with Halo. Shitty level design. That's it exactly. I couldn't put my finger on the boredom that game caused me, and that it is definitely it.

I think Soul Caliber 2 will be the sweetest with Link, definitely. I'm going to buy that game for the Gamecube over all other systems.

I think the PS2 is the best system for one reason: rpgs.

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Final Fantasy X-2
Wild Arms 3
Dark Cloud 2

It's like some benevolent deity is trying to get me to complete use up all my time playing rpgs... and I am enjoying it full-heartedly.
Yeah, too bad the wait for the next Xenosaga will be a long one.. oh well.

And Final Fantasy X-2?! Come on man, have you no dignity? :erk:

I suggest you check out Unlimited: SaGa. It's not out yet, but damn, it looks sweet. I'm a sucker for cel shading, though.
Mr.Todd, Microsoft does not buy exclusive licences to games... the most they do is something like a 3 month delay. This is for one, because it is very expensive to do... you have to pay the developer the money that they would have made, had the game come out for all other systems... as I'm sure you realize.. thats an assload of cash... what microsoft does have though in most if not all cases.. is a much better version of the game... the xbox can do things that the PS2 cant... and we are gonna start seeing that soon. As for square-enix... It really pisses me off that they are making it so easy for sony to buy them off. I have played their games for ages.. shit.. I have FFX sitting at home.. and no PS2.. they have devoted fans, who are getting the screwjob because they dont want to buy a PS2... I dont know.. I would just love to see what they could do with an RPG on xbox.. it would be insane I think.
Xbox has better versions of games than PS2 and Gamecube? Are you serious?

Metal Gear Solid 2 is FAR better on the PS2... better controls, no slowdown, etc...

EVERY SINGLE game I have played on the Xbox has had massive slowdown.

Halo, Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, Tony Hawk 2x, Amped, Sega GT, Munch's Odyssee, Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, etc...

ALL have had slow down so much that it is laughable. The end of Halo was almost completely unplayable from the massive slowdown. Xbox may be a touch more powerful than the other systems, but not much at all. And in a couple years it will be a moot point anyways when the next generation of systems comes out. The simple fact is that the Xbox has the worst controller, most slowdown, and worst games.
Xbox has better versions of games than PS2 and Gamecube? Are you serious?

Metal Gear Solid 2 is FAR better on the PS2... better controls, no slowdown, etc...

EVERY SINGLE game I have played on the Xbox has had massive slowdown.

Halo, Jet Set Radio Future, Gun Valkyrie, Tony Hawk 2x, Amped, Sega GT, Munch's Odyssee, Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, etc...

ALL have had slow down so much that it is laughable. The end of Halo was almost completely unplayable from the massive slowdown. Xbox may be a touch more powerful than the other systems, but not much at all. And in a couple years it will be a moot point anyways when the next generation of systems comes out. The simple fact is that the Xbox has the worst controller, most slowdown, and worst games.

you're kidding right?
About what? The only game on Xbox that is not for the other systems that is worth owning is Gun Valkyrie. That game isn't even 1/10th as good as Metroid Prime or the new Zelda or any of the new rpgs for the PS2. The Xbox is just sad. The only company making games for it that I would say are great is Sega, and they aren't enough to make me want to purchase an Xbox, due to the horrendous controllers and slowdown.