Holy Shit!


Klingons on Uranus
Oct 17, 2003
St. Louis Missouri USA
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I just downloaded the new leaked Nightwish album.

They are helluva lot heavier this time around. I am buying this album as soon as I get a chance.

Wish I had an Angel, Planet Hell, Dark Chest of Wonders, and Siren were the ones that stood out to me the most. :headbang:
I can't wait to see how they pull off some of these songs live, Creek Mary would be shite without all of the effects in it like the chanting and shit like that.
I really don't think it's their best album, I miss the "tu tu tu"...:erk:

And the vocals... oh, well...

But it's not bad at all, I like it quite a lot...:Spin:
Yeah, I like the new Nightwish lots and lots!
I dont think I can say its their best work but I like it much more than century child at least, which is the weakest of their works IMO anyway :p . and damn, I love the heavier sound. My friends were at the Nightwish show last weekend and got to hear some of the songs live and they thought it was great too...