Holy Terror....any fans?


Jan 17, 2003
London, Canada
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Holy Terror are probably my favorite thrash band with Terror and Submission being possibly my favorite album of all time. I never hear anyone talk about or mention them which I find strange as they aren't really that underground.
Any fans here? I'd like to hear opinions and/or stories about this mighty, yet criminally underated band.:kickass:
Mind Wars is absolutely my beloved thrash / metal album! I cant put it into words, but this album has such atmosphere which i havent found anywhere else.
DUDE, totally preaching to the choir with me. Mind Wars is in my top 5 thrash albums ever. LP framed above my Confessor "Condemned" LP in mancave. I reached out the their guitarist to try and give them money to complete the remix of the full album that only a portion of appears on the El Revengo collection. No luck. :( Author, Jeff Wagner, has let me go through his LP collection a few times and i drool when i get to his two different versions of Terror & Submission.

Also if any of you bought the 2 cd reissue and wanted a corrected mp3 of Judas Reward email me at TribunalRecords@aol.com I had Jamie King fix it i was so pissed.

Definitely, Matt! But i also simply love Debt Of Pain, Judas Reward, Damned By Judges... Those melodies... BTW Keith Deen daughter is on youtube here:

Matt-I saw your Mind Wars sleeve in your other post in the collection thread...made me smile.
I'd love for the rest of the album to be remastered like the 4 songs on El Revengo, they sound monstrous.
I didn't pick up the 2cd reissue, what was wrong with Judas Reward?
"Mind Wars" is the single greatest Thrash album ever recorded. Matt, gotta get that Jamie fix of "Judas Reward". I have the Candlelight reissue with the 'glitch'. Very pissed they didn't correct it from the 1998 Powerage version. I wish Kurt Kilfelt went ahead with his plan on remixing the whole album. The tracks on "El Revengo" came out great.