I know this forum is for audio nerds, but what about beer nerds? I'm thinking of diving into a second time-sucking hobby, and homebrewing seems pretty cool, with obviously tremendous benefits. Anybody into homebrewing?
Don't fill it full of fuckin' lollies! Throw in a generous helping of concentrated evil.Love the homebrew mate.
I am a stout drinker, none of that VB piss for me. Had some great brews of late. Tried a nice COOPERS stout and added coffee, chocolate topping, maple syrup, vanilla pod, vanilla esscence, dark malt and some licorice. Came out great apart from the sweetness.
Anybody got any tips on keeping the flavours but taking some of the sweetness away?
Don't fill it full of fuckin' lollies! Throw in a generous helping of concentrated evil.then
We did that at school once for a project when we were about 15 or 16 years old. We set up at a chem lab and were brewing away.
Turned out rather Hefeweizen-ish, what we really didn't shoot for haha. We were supposed to sell that stuff at visitor's day at school, but we drank almost all of it ourselves that day... I was so hammered, I almost missed my school bus home.
Think I've got some pics somewhere...
Anybody got any tips on keeping the flavours but taking some of the sweetness away?