Hommasexshuls Marriage Ban Doommed

i was talking to my mom last night, and she is NOT an alarmist at all, in fact she's always very positive and optimistic about law/order/government and thinks things will always get better.
so anyway, last night she said to me that she's literally kept awake at night with a gripping fear that george bush may change the constitution and that the country is going to absolute shit.

the thing that really scares me is my mom is somehow politically psychic and always seems to know what's going to happen. and last night she told me she had this sad feeling bush was going to try to stage some MAJOR TERROR ALERT and insist he stay in office an extra year or something.
i'm scared the measure will pass, but i've read some really heartening articles to the contrary--the majority needed to pass it is 75% of states, and before that, 2/3rd of Congress, which Dennis Hastert doesn't think they'll be able to do. also, there was a comment that one million gay Republicans voted for Bush in 2000--think he'll be able to rally out a MILLION more super-right-wing voters to make up for those lost votes?

i think the "orange alert before the election" thing is a given. my co-worker keeps trying to get in touch with the Democrats to tell them they should go on record NOW saying it's going to happen so they can produce the quotes when it does and say "see!"
but what my mom's point was.... was that she thinks bush might actually try to stay in office w/o an election b/c of it.
right right. i think that's less likely but definitely possible! a few months ago tommy franks completely nonchalantly mentioned to the press that another catastrophic terror attack on the country would probably result in the military taking control (read: seizing power) and instituting martial law for a few years. everyone was shocked and franks was all like "what, you guys are surprised that's what we're going to do?"
and to think that in many states only 15 or 20 years ago I wouldn't have legally been able to marry this: