Hook In Mouth (or Foot In Mouth)

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
I don't know what thread it was, but recently I recall myself definitely doubting Dave Mustaine's ability to return with something I would enjoy (I did like some of The World Needs A Hero, though).

Well, spank my ass and call me bitch, I've been listening to it for weeks and there are at least 6-7 really cool songs on there! Poland is on this, right? I bet this has something to do with it being a political year, perfect for Mustaine to platform off of..

Without resurrecting the Mega vs. Metalli thread, it's interesting to note that Megadeth's latter part of their catalog is better than Metallica's. Brings to mind an old Circus magazine article, circa 1986, Peace Sells... era, where Dave was quoted as saying, "in the future, Megadeth will leave everyone, including Metallica, in the dust."

Guess he was partially right.

Welcome back, Dave Mustaine, a nice return.

this definetelly grew on me over the past few weeks ...
it does require quite a few listens, but it is a winner
Papa Josh said:

Poland is on this, right? I bet this has something to do with it being a political year, perfect for Mustaine to platform off of..

Poland is on this, and he sounds like a serious guitar player. If you listen to his work, it's less "metal" oriented, and more "music" oriented. In other words, he's not just fitting a gap with some meaningless diddle-widdle. Good musician.

Mustaine is bringing down the muthafukking system. I even like the news report snippets scattered throughout the album...

Without resurrecting the Mega vs. Metalli thread, it's interesting to note that Megadeth's latter part of their catalog is better than Metallica's. Brings to mind an old Circus magazine article, circa 1986, Peace Sells... era, where Dave was quoted as saying, "in the future, Megadeth will leave everyone, including Metallica, in the dust."
Cliff Burton was a true unsung hero, I don't think we truly understand just how much he was involved in the song writing processes, especially around harmonies and structure. Hetfield and Ulrich became the blind leading the blind. Hammet was (and always will be) a retard, although he did come up with that cool riff in "Creeping Death". I attribute all his good solos to Joe Satriani helping him transcribe the stuff in the first place.

Mustaine is a one man army. The only time he produces junk is when he lets others influence him, or when other people insist on writing. Just let him write on his own. Let him be angry at the state of politics and you'll get something pretty cool out of him.

Welcome back, Dave Mustaine, a nice return.
I agree with you guys on Mustaine, he is one of metal's geniuses. However the problem is he always has his foot in his mouth. The guy is just a whiny little bitch that doesnt have any social skills. Oh, can one download the album already?
speed said:
Oh, can one download the album already?


I also agree, although old Metallica AND Megadeth are 2 of my favorite bands of all time. A few years ago, when The world needs a hero came out, I couldn't believe that Dave made a "Hangar 18" Pt.2. He should have never of done that. Rust is in my top 5 albums of all time. "Return to Hangar" was such a disappointment. Anyway, nothing will ever compare to Rust. It's like their "Zep IV". The pinnacle of their career. System is different, but still refreshing.

:headbang: Go Dave !!

JayKeeley said:
Mustaine is a one man army. The only time he produces junk is when he lets others influence him, or when other people insist on writing.
I'm trying to remember whether or not I had a conversation about this with my mate the other day, or if I just dreamt it :oops:

Cor blimey, only two and a half weeks til it's out...I'll be there on the day, I think :)
<<I bet this has something to do with it being a political year, perfect for Mustaine to platform off of..>>

Agreed, I don't think it's entirely unrelated that Dave lost sight of his muse during the Clinton years, with the country in prosperity and a stable lineup he was left with nothing to rebel against... :)
Who was President during Youthanasia, Cryptic Writings, Risk, and World/Hero? Was that all Bill Clinton?

I definitely remember Countdown to Extinction coming out when Bush Snr was in power because of the "Foreclosure of a Dream" video.

Read my lips....
i spoke with JK about this once, and he mentioned I should bring it up here ...

in the history of rock 'n roll ... most of the good/best stuff was created during bad economic times or in places with bad politics.

ever notice that metal/heavy/hard music in general makes some kind of comeback during bad economic times, or times of uncertainty?
lurch70 said:
i spoke with JK about this once, and he mentioned I should bring it up here ...

in the history of rock 'n roll ... most of the good/best stuff was created during bad economic times or in places with bad politics.

ever notice that metal/heavy/hard music in general makes some kind of comeback during bad economic times, or times of uncertainty?

That makes A LOT of fucking sense. Especially if you are well informed on social psychology.
Right. Certainly most of the NWOBHM came out of the working class regions of Britain. Sheffield, Birmingham, East End of London....all these guys worked in coal mines or steel factories, etc.

Even from a listening perspective, I would think that very few from an aristocratic/upper class background would end up listening to metal.

Bad politics? Look no further than Eastern Europe or South America for the 'hidden gems' perhaps...
JayKeeley said:
Right. Certainly most of the NWOBHM came out of the working class regions of Britain. Sheffield, Birmingham, East End of London....all these guys worked in coal mines or steel factories, etc.

Even from a listening perspective, I would think that very few from an aristocratic/upper class background would end up listening to metal.

Bad politics? Look no further than Eastern Europe or South America for the 'hidden gems' perhaps...
Just thinking of how fucked it must be in South America to produce something as brutal as the almighty KRISIUN!

But yeah, think about the political mindedness of thrash in the late 80s. The birth of Rage Against The machine in the early 90s...

Then a mass of American society began listening to shit music and falling in love w/ pseudo hippie bullshit like Dave Matthews Band .Gotta love that these guys just got busted dumping 800 gallons of human waste into the Chicago River and onto a boat full of tourists.

lurch70 said:
i spoke with JK about this once, and he mentioned I should bring it up here ...

in the history of rock 'n roll ... most of the good/best stuff was created during bad economic times or in places with bad politics.

ever notice that metal/heavy/hard music in general makes some kind of comeback during bad economic times, or times of uncertainty?
Well, I dunno...the most obvious example of this would be our good old British punks of the late 70s, right? You've got the hypocrites (rebelling against 'dinosaur rock'...but Johnny Rotten liked Van De Graff Generator and Glen Matlock was into The Beatles and The Who), Malcolm Machlaron (say no more) and the plain stupid...which I think all of them were to be honest. I remember when I caught sight of Let's Start A War Said Maggie One Day by The Exploited in HMV about four years ago, my first thought was "Fucking faggots". As I read through a book on the Falklands the other week (being generally familiar with the campaign since I was 10) I remembered that ditty by The Exploited, and I could only think - fuck me, those faggots needed to be strung up and shot as traitors, pure and simple. There's rebelling against the system, and then there's 'rebelling' cos you've got ADD and you're mummy didn't give you enough pocket money and you couldn't be assed to work at school cos Ben Elton told you Maggie was BAD!!!

Fucking fags. The Falklanders have been British citizens for 150 years. If those attention-seeking fags wanted to puss out on them, that shows how much loyalty to their own kind they got. Shoot the scum, we ain't got no use for 'em. I fucking hate traitors.