Hoping this forum is cool!


New Metal Member
Oct 31, 2011
Hello all!

Just signed up for the site, and I'm hoping I can stick it out here. I've tried posting on other heavy metal forums, and they just were terrible (Stereo Killer, Metal Archives).

Anyways, I'm interested in most types of metal, but lately I've been listening to black and viking metal more than anything else.

Some bands I enjoy include: Bathory, Burzum, Vintersorg, Nile, Behemoth, Megadeth, Enslaved, Blut Aus Nord, Gorgoroth, Xasthur, Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch, Alcest, Primordial, and Mayhem.

Other than that, I'm studying accounting at a university in California, and also have an interest in animation.

I guess that's about it! Catch me in some metal threads :headbang: