Horror inspired death metal?


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
I enjoy horror movies. I enjoy death metal. The combination is obvious for me.

Some of what I've already heard plenty of...

Denial Fiend
Acid Witch

I probably have heard more... just need my memory refreshed on the band's names.
Also... the genre really doesnt matter... as long as it has death metal elements. (ie deathgrind or death/thrash or even death/doom is perfectly fine)

Oh... and I dont mind samples, if you couldnt already tell.
Never really pay attention to lyrics, especially in DM, but I believe Yyrkoon and Aborted both have lyrics on horror related topics. Aborted definitely use samples from horror films.
Necrophagia is one of the best. Season of the Dead is up there with Scream Bloody Gore and actually came either before or around the same time.

They did a lot of stuff based on Italian Horror.
There is also a good band from LA called Diabolos. They are a bit Black Death, but they have a whole album based on the Argento 3 mothers trilogy or something like that.
I'm a very big fan of Regurgitate, try them out, they don't do alot with the whole horror movie thing, but they do a little bit. Specifically on Deviant, excellent album regardless.
Let's see... since I havent responded forever....

Aborted I already have heard and can enjoy to a point...
Hooded Menace and Tribulation are both great.... Who hasnt listened to Death? I absolutely cant stand Frightmare... the crap they do where they change vocal styles so frequently is really irritating... and of course I've heard of Regurgitate as well.

Other than those, Yyrkoon, Necrophagia, Diabolos, and Deceased all need to be checked out.

Anything else?

Edit: And before anyone mentions them, I listened to The Ravenous a couple days ago... not really impressed. =/