Horse Latitudes - 2 Basses, 1 Cup

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Ken, where you at dear fellow? Finnish trio featuring 2 basses of doom and destruktor, no geetar, and a rather large can of ass whoop.

Doomentia Shill

A lot have been said about the fact this unusual Finnish lot, how they dared putting together a three-person unit that features no guitar yet TWO basses, how they've taken their name from an old Jim Morrison poem, how they seem less to come up with actual songs but more with apocalyptic incantations about the forthcoming end of the world or how they sound like OM on crack or their fellow citizens FLESHPRESS after a ten days walk through the desert with no water. Their second proper full-length 'Awakening' just confirms all those preconceptions -- in spades.

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nice this was actually one of my potential recos

but i think others have edged it out, its not THAT great