Hot Plate question


Aug 3, 2004
Cody, WY, USA
Does anyone know if the line out on the THD Hot Plate is isolated? I'm really close to pulling the trigger on one of those, but right now, the preamp out on my 5150 gets pretty nasty buzz and hum when I go straight to my Mbox, and I'd rather not have to spend a bunch more money and effort killing the buzz if I'm going to be dropping a bunch on a Hot Plate. :p
does the buzz/hum just come from the preamp out? does it occur when playing through a cab? the obvious culprit is does your mbox support hi-z inputs?

check all the basics, cables in every part of the signal chain and see if its still happening, if thats good, then check some tubes.

i don't use a hotplate, i'm using the dummy cable in the fx return , don't need one.

but i use the fx send only, i used to get a slight buzz, but that was due to my guitar/TS and i also use a noise suppressor in front, so the only noise i get when i have my 5150 II connected to my firepod i just get a little selfnoise from the amp, which is very quiet.
Yeah, I'm not referring to self-noise or noise from the guitar (there's a lot of RF that comes through even the EMGs, but this noise is regardless of cabling, guitar volume, or whether or not anything is even plugged in). Self-noise manifests as more of a hiss than a buzz/hum in my experience, and I don't hear this noise when playing just through the speaker, only on direct recordings using speaker sims/impulses. I'm thinking it's a ground loop of some kind. Oh yeah, and the Mbox has 1MOhm instrument inputs.
Ahhh, fuck it, I just bought Kazrog's. :p He said they recorded all the leads for their album through it using impulses, and after listening on their website, I have no complaints about noise or tonal fuckery! And if I do have a hum or buzz problem I can't fix with what I have, I'll just get a good DI, or an isolator, or sell it.