Hotel stories...

Umm...yes. :) Guitars in the hallway, beer in the tub and smoking with Atheist were all awesome. Not to mention having an excellent conversation with the very sweet (and cute) Lenny from Saturnus in the hallway, who I didn't get to see on Saturday, unfortunately. :( Puking all day Saturday was definitely not cool, though.
I'd have helped. but you were doing such a great job, it would have been a shame to ruin it...haha ;) of the best quotes comes from Mr. Blevins. Let me set the scene.....its just after 4am. The hallway crowd is finally starting to thin out. Many drinks have been had and as people start to stumble back to their rooms, Mike says, "well,its been fun....but I have a plane to catch. I'm off to the airport". lol
Indeed, I stayed until 4AM at the afterparties both nights, and had some fun getting passed the guitar for some jams. The Saturday night Black Sabbath song jam was the best one, by far though, but Dusty from Shatter Messiah jammed with me on Friday and that was awesome too. I met some awesome people there and had a hell of a lot of fun.
:( I wish I was older and not relying on rides home so I could have stuck around for all this stuff.

I probably would have been cranky and whiny about being up past my beddy-bye time anyway. :lol:
Man, on friday night, a bunch of us went down with rob to get some 24 packs of miller out of the back of a vehicle. We all pile in the elevator and start to go up, and it gets stuck. So 5 minutes of epic swearing, heat exhaustion, laughing, and contemplation of just opening up the packs and having an elevator drink-fest till someone fixes it, eventually we somehow made it to the 2nd floor. Then we all walked up the stairs and enter the "Yay beer!" cheers of the 3rd floor.
Man, on friday night, a bunch of us went down with rob to get some 24 packs of miller out of the back of a vehicle. We all pile in the elevator and start to go up, and it gets stuck. So 5 minutes of epic swearing, heat exhaustion, laughing, and contemplation of just opening up the packs and having an elevator drink-fest till someone fixes it, eventually we somehow made it to the 2nd floor. Then we all walked up the stairs and enter the "Yay beer!" cheers of the 3rd floor.

We loaded all of that shit into his car earlier that night. :) It was an epic beer run. :kickass: The lady working the register at the grocery store looked at us like we were fucking nuts with two carts filled to the brim with beer.
Someone might wanna ask Saladbar and Lenny about how this all came to be...
