House of 1000 Corpses

Feb 11, 2002
Visit site
You can now view the trailer at the official web site. Its gonna be sweet. Also do you know that the reason that they are called trailers is that they used to be at the end of the movie and not the beginning like they are now. Man I must be board...

Anyway, go see this flick on opening night! Support Rob and the true horror movies. But no rush its not out til March.
Did Rob have to tone it down to prevent an NC-17 or X rating?
I read somewhere that he might have had to do that. Of course I don't remember where I read that.
i always remeber the interview when rob zombie was talking about universal dropping the movie,he was saying how all the crew and even himself couldnt believe universal was originaly behind such a brutal movie.
Wow, this is good news! :grin:

It's about dam time this movie finally gets a release through somebody, and at this point, I don't even care if the movie sucks cause with all this turmoil that's gone into the release of this movie makes me want to see it. Oh, did I mention! It's a horror movie!

Hey everybody! Check out this murderous picture of me from the AugDawg website that I've posted in the spirit of Halloween! That dam redeye can sometimes make a killer picture!


I saw a trailer for House of 1,000 Corpses at the movie theater about a year a go...I think...
This trailer is completely different.