Housewarming: What day works for everyone?


Guitarist for Division
Jul 28, 2005
Hoodbridge, VA
Just under a week since we moved, and I'm still unpacking boxes. Not easy when some of them are bigger than you. :lol:

Division has a gig this weekend, and JWP has one next weekend, so Dawn and I are thinking about Saturday, August 19th for our housewarming, probably early afternoon so the kids don't get tired/cranky. Does this fit into everyone's schedule?

The weekend after that, we're heading to MN, and then the next weekend is back to school. I'm trying to squeeze it in between everything else.
I work until 5:30pm every Saturday, so I wouldn't be able to show up until after that, but I'd be glad to stop by for a bit if the party is still going on ;)

Congrats again on the new place! Very exciting!!
Sat the 19th I have a baby shower to go to for a friend/co-worker, but can drop by sfterwards if there's anything happening :)

It's not like you all're far from my house...
noodlesatf said:
Just under a week since we moved, and I'm still unpacking boxes. Not easy when some of them are bigger than you. :lol:

Division has a gig this weekend, and JWP has one next weekend, so Dawn and I are thinking about Saturday, August 19th for our housewarming, probably early afternoon so the kids don't get tired/cranky. Does this fit into everyone's schedule?

The weekend after that, we're heading to MN, and then the next weekend is back to school. I'm trying to squeeze it in between everything else.

We're gonna be in Rehobeth Beach it's our first anniversary weekend
Ditto for what Nick said :) I'm sure we can't go by your place with out the pup yelling out his best friend's name over there too. :Smug:
Unfortunately, this is getting put off until sometime in September. Dawn says she just isn't going to feel happy enough about the condition of the place by this weekend.

She seems to forget that food/alcohol is much more important, but hey, I'm just the man, so it's not like I get a say in the matter. :lol:
Just want to say congrats on the new place. Good Lord, I know all to well about homeownership (been in my own place for nearly the past 11 years).

I am hoping a chance to see you guys again, but looks like the next show I'll be able to make that you guys are playing is the Kamelot/Epica one at Jaxx in September.
im not sure you tell me

because honestly ive never heard of division soooo logic shall force me to conclude...

a NorVa based band?