Houston Show May 8th

Shane DuBose

Jun 25, 2003
Yo guys, the HB guest appearance was killer. Hope the tour is going welll so far!!!!!!!!!! And Mike, don't forget to call me on my cell phone when you guys get here. We'll make a killer day of it bro!!!!!!!!!!

Man I'm jonesin. I need The Inner Circle!!!!!!!!!! And Mike thanks for signing the Outworld guestbook!!!!! The guys and myself really appreciate it. I'll have a bunch of copies of the CD for you and the rest of the guys.

Adn Tom, I talked to Tess yesterday, and she is completely stoked about the show. It's going to be one helluva a party here.

And if you guys need a place to stay, and some killer Cajun cooking, then you're all more than welcome to stay at my place. Not to mention playin Scandinavian beer games!!!!!!! hehehehe :loco:

We'll be there with bells on. I'm bringing everyone that I know!!!!!!!!!!

Peace, and keep on Rocking!!!!!!!!!!!

E-mail me if you get a chance Mikey!!!! arcanum0426@yahoo.com
:wave: Hey SHano! I can't wait til the HOUSTON show either!! :Spin:

We are going to have a kick as* time!!! :headbang:

YOU know I will be there!!

No...someone has to be home with our daughter...and I`m not sure that I would spend 5 weeks on the road together with 15 sweaty guys..ha ha

CubanToad said:
Carina...you don't go on tour and perform with them? :confused:
Mike wrote down all the cellphone numbers in a little book before he left to keep in touch with people all over the states to make them show him around the cities. I bet your name and number is in that book too, just wait and see =)

Shane DuBose said:
Thanks Carina. Mike asked me to show him around towm when they get here, i you speak to him ask him if he remembers my cell. i not I'll pass it along to you......

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!
I wont talk to Mike but I`ll tell Tom about Tess

Shane DuBose said:
Thanks Carina. Mike asked me to show him around towm when they get here, i you speak to him ask him if he remembers my cell. i not I'll pass it along to you......

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!
Saxiquine said:
Mike wrote down all the cellphone numbers in a little book before he left to keep in touch with people all over the states to make them show him around the cities. I bet your name and number is in that book too, just wait and see =)
Yeah I hope Mike calls me when he gets to SF so I can show them Haight Street and or the Wharf :headbang:, never the less I am interested in knowing more about these damn Scandanavian Drinking games, because if any of the Prog Power's were any indication of what would be happening , we're all screwed LOL

Ha ha ha Bear.. take good care of the when the tour reaches you!
And I think those Scandinavian drinking games are referring to all the fastbeer drinking... didn't you already try that?
Today it's Friday and I have been invited to a tequila race... never know how this will end up.

Bear said:
Yeah I hope Mike calls me when he gets to SF so I can show them Haight Street and or the Wharf :headbang:, never the less I am interested in knowing more about these damn Scandanavian Drinking games, because if any of the Prog Power's were any indication of what would be happening , we're all screwed LOL

Saxiquine said:
Ha ha ha Bear.. take good care of the when the tour reaches you!
And I think those Scandinavian drinking games are referring to all the fastbeer drinking... didn't you already try that?
Today it's Friday and I have been invited to a tequila race... never know how this will end up.

What in God's name is a tequila race?
A Tequila race is about drinking as many tequilas as possible. Normally one (of the participants) falls down or give up - if there's two of you. There are also Tequila Slammer races, which is pretty much about the same, but it adds an extra emotional thing to it if you have someone else "slamming" your tequilas for you - which makes you drink even more and of course faster.

There are still some more different ways of doing it, but I think these are he most common ones. And yes, I heard about a record -a swede of course- who had aout 50 of these, and died afterwards. It still fun though, and a dozen you should be able to have before you hit the ground. A guess would be that anyone from EVERGREY would have about 15 and still stand on the feets. With Kapten Fasteer, we probably have to add some. At least I guess lol
:Spin: Very cool to hear you guys will be coming to PPV!! WE will have lots of funs and many FASTBEERS! WHat is Mikeys favorite alcohol?

Yikes Tequila Races...Tequila dosen't like me verryy much! Let's just say it makes me a nasty mean girl :tickled: I prefer Crown ROyal or Vodka... Or shall I say my body does...LOL

Bear take care of the guys in Frisco!

I'm not really sure.
Maybe whiskey or gin drinks or so.
You'll have to ask him =)

SilentCries said:
:Spin: Very cool to hear you guys will be coming to PPV!! WE will have lots of funs and many FASTBEERS! WHat is Mikeys favorite alcohol?

Yikes Tequila Races...Tequila dosen't like me verryy much! Let's just say it makes me a nasty mean girl :tickled: I prefer Crown ROyal or Vodka... Or shall I say my body does...LOL

Bear take care of the guys in Frisco!
