Hoverdeck for home studios? Home acoustics in general

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey gang! :kickass:

I'm setting up my home studio right now and was thinking. I'm using a simple desk for the monitors with some ISO pads and stuff, but would like to isolate the desk from the floor a bit more. So without making a floating floor, has any of you guys tried the Auralex Hoverdeck? I mean they are meant for drums but shouldn't they work great for my purpose as well to get rid of vibrations etc.

Any thoughts?

Sup! :Spin:

I bought one of those when I had carpet floors to brighten up my drum tracks... I ended up selling it because the edges were held together with velcro so any weight between the tiles would cause it to cave in that area. It would probably be more stable and cheaper if you were to buy a couple of 2'x4' pieces of plywood (the ones that have the locking sides) and attach neoprene pads or something rubbery to the bottom
I have an Auralex Great Gramma for my 2x12 Roadster (yup the one you helped me buy :lol:) and I can tell you it makes a HUGE difference in taming those bass freqs from the floor.

Dunno about the Hoverdeck though, but if it's anything similar to the Grammas, it would be a no-brainer for me.

For my monitors and the desk I use Auralex MoPads, and since I got them I stopped having complaints about ''loud volume'', too.

*How about getting 2-3 Great Grammas instead? Cheaper and maybe more effective for a desk...

Dunno, just a thought ;)
Been thinking about getting an Auralex Great Gramma for my 4x12 when I reamp....Good to hear it actually makes a difference and isn't just a money making gimmick!

EDIT: Mainly low end resonances in my guitar tone would benefit from one of these.
asked here the same some months ago Ola!
I wanted to decouple my drumkit from the floor!
Hoverdeck costs way too much for what it offers.
I ended up making rockwool panels wrapped in a fabric and mounted to a mdf board as a base.
No resonance whatsoever! but the loud low end is still there :(
I have an Auralex Great Gramma for my 2x12 Roadster (yup the one you helped me buy :lol:) and I can tell you it makes a HUGE difference in taming those bass freqs from the floor.

Dunno about the Hoverdeck though, but if it's anything similar to the Grammas, it would be a no-brainer for me.

For my monitors and the desk I use Auralex MoPads, and since I got them I stopped having complaints about ''loud volume'', too.

*How about getting 2-3 Great Grammas instead? Cheaper and maybe more effective for a desk...

Dunno, just a thought ;)

Cool I'm actually awaiting that exact gramma for my cabs from thomann right now ! Glad it works!
Possible silly question here....but with the GRAMMA's do you have to take your casters off for the full effect? I've only seen pics with 4x12's with no casters ontop of one...more surface area connected = better response perhaps?
The 2x12 Roadster comes with cylindrical rubber feet things near each bottom corner- I haven't gotten any casters for the cab since I don't need them:


I imagine casters are also good. A cab without casters or supports would be directly in contact with the Gramma- I guess that would transfer more vibration, but can't tell you for sure since the supports on my cab are not removable (well, at least I haven't tried to yank them off :lol:)

I went for the great Gramma instead of the regular one because when I took measurements of the distance in between the rubber supports, the latter was going to barely fit them (actually only half of them onto the very edge of the Gramma- that's how tight the fit was).

In any case you could always place the GG perpendicular to the length on the cab and make a quick test to see what you like most (I mean rest the cab directly on the GG). Haven't tried that, though.

* btw my floor is carpet, FWIW