how can animalcruelty be funny?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
well., dunno about you, but I am pissing myself.
I'm not a fan of animal cruelty, but int this case I just couldn't help it....fucking rolling on the floor ;)

I know, I shouldn't be laughing, but c'mon, it's frog-fucking-funny, isn't it?

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is the video "mr hands" animal cruelty btw?

This one is funny yes.. animals on animals are lolworthy!
These frog rape vids are becoming very popular around here. 3rd one I've seen so far. (I didn't actually watch this one. I already know the out come.)
I try not to think about that video as much as possible. I would imagine no cause its a horse raping a man, although they lured it in. Didnt that guy die from it?

Yes, he died from the internal injuries caused by the horse's schlong. Motherfucker had it coming.
And no the frog vid isn't animal cruelty, but it's fucked up none the less.

Pretty epic thing to happen if you think about it, I mean, it's a fucking chimp raping a fucking frog.
So human-like. I know a lot of dudes that would stick their dicks in just about anything as well.

Poor frog had no idea that it's day was gonna end like that when it hopped out of it's pond that morning.