How can i make this gel better?

First tip, post in the correct section! This should be in Practice Room...
I think this mix gels like a motherfucker. However its either the snare sound or you need to get some more drum bus compression. Also think the overall mix is a bit too airy, and you might benefit from getting some tape saturation, particularly on the drum bus. I think your master bus compression is up a little bit much, not really liking the kick pumping the whole mix, maybe you could up the release a bit to help out. Also to me, the kick is too round and has a build up in the low end, something as simple as getting a bit more click in the eq. Also, you really should of had an OD pedal in front of them amps, they are too loose IMO.

I think the mix probably gels too much, all the elements just kind of sludge and blur into each other too much. I would work on separating them a little and getting a little bit more clarity and punch.

Overall though, I like the mix, and if I heard it without being asked to critique it, I wouldn't have said anything, nor would I have noticed, I really had to listen and pick it apart to try to help out.
ha thanks man i appreciate the critique. there is an maxon 808 before my 5150 tho. and yea if think your right about the compression on drums build up of low end. thats always something i always fight with keeping a good thump but keeping it from being overpowering. and also there is no compression on the drum bus or a parallel comp so ill prob add some light compression but ill prob suck out some lows from the kick instead of boosting highs.

and honestly alot of that is what iv been going for. it seems most of the mixes i enjoy most are really hard to pick apart but as a whole sounds amazing together. but having some perspective is great. I might post a new mix later if it turns out audibly different :p
Everything seems great to me, I wish I could do as well. the intro guitar don't sound like they are playing in the same room as the rest of the band. I dig the way the vocals mesh with the drums.
I like the mix as well but if I had to critique it I also think it gels a little too much. In particular the kick, bass, and guitars.
Do you have a hi pass filter on the guitars? I think the bass guitar could use a little more love and I'm pretty sure the best way to go about it would be to cut a little bit of the low end from the guitars.
The mix might benefit from a little more clarity in the low end.
Also, there's a really weak cymbal hit at 0:19. Almost sounds like it clips or something.
thanks for the info on the cymbal charlie it sounded like it was just a weird pop. maybe it was just a rim shot or something.

i pretty much did everything everyone suggested in moderation. but yes i did have it highpassed but i pushed it from 70 to 85 and i was already scooping around 4db at around 180 but i took a a little more out with a wider q. sucked some lows out of the kick and compressed the entire kit with uads 1176 a little. i dont have a tape saturation plugin so i threw slate virtual console collection on the drum buss although its nothing like tape saturation xp

this is probably the final mix and thanks for lending your ears you guys :]
Nice dude. The low end has definitely been cleaned up. I almost miss the fizzy raw guitar sound but sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the sake of clarity in the mix. I think you found a nice compromise.