How do I love UM? Let me count the ways.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
1) Helped me to discover some very key bands in my life, such as Ulver.

2) Gives me a lot of things to do while bored.

3) Is a fun legal venue for my drunken antics.

4) Got a writing gig because of the RC forum being hosted here.

5) Met some very nice people and have received approx. 6,428,925 CD-Rs from.

6) Introduced me to the wonderful world of collage, goatse, pain4, and tubgirl (a world I'd like to forget honestly :ill: ).

7) Has the best smilies on any forum I've ever seen. :kickass: :rock: :loco: :zombie: :hotjump: :dopey:

8) Is virtually censor-free, unlike most forums.

9) Smells nice.


10) UM is fawkin' methull.





and the BW board used to have even more kickass ones but they seem to be gone =(=(
Hey people started bitching about all the threads bitching about the poor performance of the UM server, and I was feeling friendly enough this morning to shut all their whore's mouths up!
Goat help us all if that were true. Shit if I were mod in just this forum, I'd probably ban 80% of you dicks.

I'm kidding! More like 90%. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
Hey people started bitching about all the threads bitching about the poor performance of the UM server, and I was feeling friendly enough this morning to shut all their whore's mouths up!

What the hell, even a forum as cynical and politically incorrect as this one needs some positivity every now and then. And it's all true, of approximately 80% of the bands I've discovered in the past four years, my initial interest is owed to UM. It's more than just a method of alleviating boredom for an hour or two.

I'm not sure about the smell though...