How do u like it...?


Jan 24, 2006
I meant how do u like to get drunk. In other words, what's your favourite drink (alcoholic ofcourse)? And any stupid things you did when you were in ''in your happy place''.

Don't be shy... Write somethin'!!! (and it better be good)
I like Jack and Coke, Reb Bull Vodkas, anything with Vodka, one euro shot nights XD.

My story is when my friend and me had to go to the bathroom at this one bar the toilets where not marked which sex it was so we had to guess. We did run into the girl's one but there was a guy in the stall.. he did not close the freaking door so we ran in to the other open one, so we both had to be in that on stall to take a piss. Lucky there was enough space to have the other person stand the other way.
i like mudslides white russions pretty much any hard Liquor mix drinks when i do drink also for beer i like zima than after a few of thouse Keystone light or ice i get acting like a complet retard :lol: :(
Wings of a dream said:
Since I don't drink then I'll wait for the stories!

I think there's other threads like this one already.
even though i am russian
i quite that shit long time ago, life taught me that very kindly and endless times