How far away are you from a bnp member?

Not like I'm going to shit through his letter box and set his cat on fire but just weird one of their members lives down the road. Small world.
2008 membership list leak

On 18 November 2008, a membership list was leaked in breach of a court injunction.[76] It contains details of more than 10,000 members,[76][77] with the names, home addresses and sometimes telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of BNP members including senior party officials, people aged under 18 (as parts of family membership), teachers, doctors, serving members of the military, police and prison officers (since 2004, police officers have faced dismissal if found to be members of the BNP)[76] and members of the clergy, as well as people asking for discretion, due to employment concerns. At least one of those named had already disavowed his membership.[78] The BNP-backed trade union Solidarity has stated that anyone concerned that they will be victimised at work on account of appearing on the list will receive immediate protection upon joining. It has condemned those who are seeking to encourage such harassment and warned bosses that they will face immediate action if they act in breach of human rights and/or employment law.[79] Nick Griffin has claimed that any party member sacked will be able to receive substantial compensation,[80] although this has not been the case in any previous court cases. The BNP advised those named on the list to deny their membership and said that they would confirm that in writing if required.[81]

People affected by the disclosure include a Merseyside police constable, Steve Bettley, whose superiors suspended him pending an investigation. The Chief Constable said that BNP membership is "totally incompatible with the duties and values of Merseyside police."[82][83] Also named was DJ Rod Lucas. Lucas was dropped by talkSPORT, but defended his membership as being part of his research, saying that "I am an investigative radio journalist and am a member of over 20 political parties and pressure groups. ...It doesn't necessarily mean I agree with their views."[84]

As an american, this is kinda funny, although I don't 100% understand this. So they just just a bunch of racists?

edit: yes, yes they are. You may have less racists than us, but yours are much more vocal
6 miles hehe, I live a bit out of the way though. Barely anybody in this town is non white though so maybe they aren't annoyed about the order in which people get council houses or anything (that seems to actually be one of the BNPs main points for actually winning votes).