How I became a fan of Vanden Plas


Jan 11, 2006
I listened to Beyond Daylight. This album is much better than Christ O for me. I liked Christ O, well I loved about half of it. But it wasn't enough to make me a big fan of Vanden Plas. I'm sure some will disagree. That's ok! And ... their Kansas cover rules. I hope they play that live ;)

So yeah now I'm a fan. They are not a very energetic sounding band, but I hear they are live. They are just a really neat band to listen to. Anyhow. That's all I wanted to say.
Far Off Grace is their masterpeice in my opinion. Christ 0 is pretty great but there seems to be something missing to make it better than FoG. Beyond Daylight is great, The Colour Temple and The God Thing are right there as well. Just a great solid band with minimal dispointments. I cant wait to see them live finally....
The Spirit Of Live is still my favorite Vanden Plas disc. Beyond Daylight and Far Off Grace are tried at a close second. Christ 0 does little for me =/.
Christ.0 is what got me into Vanden Plas, and is my favorite. With that said, you can't really go wrong with any of their albums.

They are all amazing. \m/
Vanden Plas and energetic. What hooked me into them was The God Thing. The 1-2 combo punch of Fireblossom/Rainmaker is passionate fury or furious passion. Total Energy. SAme with In You I Believe from the same release. And Energy.....try Iodic Rain from Far Off Grace. The opening to that is not to be believed....and they can play that live. I saw em do it. DAmn I can't wait to see them play live it ProgPower yet?
Yeah, I hadn't listened to them prior to the announcement. I'm really enjoying Beyond Daylight. I haven't really listened much yet to Christ O because I'm liking Beyond Daylight so much. Listening to Healing Tree atm.
Far Off Grace is their masterpeice in my opinion. Christ 0 is pretty great but there seems to be something missing to make it better than FoG. Beyond Daylight is great, The Colour Temple and The God Thing are right there as well. Just a great solid band with minimal dispointments. I cant wait to see them live finally....

Wow stop the presses! For once I agree 100% with you! :)
Far Off Grace is their masterpeice in my opinion. Christ 0 is pretty great but there seems to be something missing to make it better than FoG. Beyond Daylight is great, The Colour Temple and The God Thing are right there as well. Just a great solid band with minimal dispointments. I cant wait to see them live finally....
I have to add my total agreement to this comment. I think what's not there to make Christ 0 their #1 cd is the fact it's a concept album and doesn't have as many powerful, riff-driven songs as FOG. Beautiful album, but you have to be in the mood. My fav. is Wish you Were Here, which has the same dynamics of a lot of the FOG tunes.
I love everything this band has ever done...they are definitely one of my favorite bands...I can honestly say that I like every single song they have ever done. My favorite Vanden Plas album is whatever one I have playing.

I can't wait to see them live!!!
Chalk another one up for the "Far Off Grace" fanclub. It's their magnum opus. Beyond Daylight isn't far behind.

Christ 0 is good, but it doesn't deserve all the hype. I'm curious to hear the tunes live, however!
I dont really have a favorite, but because I love acoustic stuff AcCult is one of my faves from them as well as Christ 0 and The God Thing.
I listened to Beyond Daylight. This album is much better than Christ O for me. I liked Christ O, well I loved about half of it. But it wasn't enough to make me a big fan of Vanden Plas. I'm sure some will disagree. That's ok! And ... their Kansas cover rules. I hope they play that live ;)

So yeah now I'm a fan. They are not a very energetic sounding band, but I hear they are live. They are just a really neat band to listen to. Anyhow. That's all I wanted to say.

I'm with you... Beyond Daylight is my favorite. I think it shows Vanden Plas' Strengths more than any other of their albums...
I love Vanden Plas, but I can only listen to them every now and then. I'm afraid if I listened to them anymore, I might not like what I hear after awhile.
Vanden Plas and energetic. What hooked me into them was The God Thing. The 1-2 combo punch of Fireblossom/Rainmaker is passionate fury or furious passion. Total Energy. SAme with In You I Believe from the same release.

TOTALLY agree. Beyond Daylight would be my second choice...I like Christ 0, but it needs more listening before I can say if I do/don't like it more than those two. ALL their CDs are phenomenal and "must-haves", IMHO, but I still agree that The God Thing is the one to start with.
