How learn to kiss

dont know but japanese porn bugs me, it sounds like they are going to die or something, its kinda weird (and then theres bukkake.....o_O the day I see that again, I will more then puke)
i watched thru the whole thing like :err:

then i started laughing because from the middle to the end, the chicks mouth started looking like a big, throbbing, alien vagina-monster.

And then i got :err: again after reading so many comments that found that exciting

my dear mexican, admit it. You got a boner :p
Tut Ankh Amon said:
i watched thru the whole thing like :err:

then i started laughing because from the middle to the end, the chicks mouth started looking like a big, throbbing, alien vagina-monster.

And then i got :err: again after reading so many comments that found that exciting
+1 :lol:
"yess yess lick my windows no no Win xp ...........lick my macintosh tiger ;-)" :lol:
Was I supposed to kiss the computer screen? :guh:
Does the glass move right, btw? I wonder wtf is that. I could think of a jig: A cylindric glass rolling on front of her, the camera on the inside, and a brush on the opposite side, behind the camera. So that way the cylinder automatically cleanses itself!
