how many units did this sell???

it had big things here for one week, then fizzled.....
om;y old acts now break through here.....
and only play the big festivals
some do , some dont, its a hit and miss.....
but blockbusters here are going out of business...
as they ramp up the ADSL2+
I finally heard Sirius Hard Attack ch. 27 starting to play "Messenger" a few times, and I've been sending in requests every day for it. I'm a little surprised that CM didn't try harder to push it to satellite radio - since that is the only airplay it will get. It might not move thousands of extra copies, but I have to think that it would help to get the word out and expose WD to some people that may not know much about him.
Whenever they post "First Week Sales", is it actually based of true sales scanned at a register, or units shipped?

I recall reading something years ago during the boy band craze, where there would be first day sales battles between Backstreet Boys and N'Sync or whoever, and how the figures are misleading, as it has more to do with items actually shipped to stores. So, therefore, their label may be able to boast, "Well sold 1,000,000 the first week" which is great advertising, in the hopes that those copies actually do sell.

If the posted sales for the WD disc were only 1,000, then maybe this isn't the case anymore, as I would assume even nationwide in America, more than 1,000 were shipped to physical retail outlets.
did you read who the songwriters were beforehand? That should have either prepared you for what you were about to hear or to allow you to evade the sound files.

besides, Twilight Zone > Hannah Montana when she turns 18 > the music on the CD > James Labrie's vocals