How Many Vuur Fans Are Here?


May 6, 2003
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How many of you love the latest Vuur album? I absolutely loved it and still listening to it as it one of the best metal albums of all time! Seriously! Vuur is not an insult to The Gathering's legacy, its another great chapter of metal for Anneke van Giersbergen and her band mates in Vuur. Great album!

Here are a few songs which will cause some car accidents. Just safely while listening.

Here is live footage of Anneke just destroying the world!

Now the band has no be renamed Killed Earth after that killer performance!

Here is a mellower song off the album in which Anneke captures the spirit of Joan of Arc in her song to Paris. Very beautiful and intense as anyone familiar with Anneke's singing would know from The Gathering.

The whole album is very good and there are no bad songs on the album. Sure, some are better songs than others, but none of the songs suck. If Vuur does another album as good or better as this one I think Nucclear Blast better market the shit out of it if they are looking for something fresh that will be a good cash cow sales wise. There is a ripe audience out there sick of the brutal violence of all these metal bands that all sound exactly identical and have no talent and bore people to death with their repetition. If you love good heavy music with killer vocals then Vuur is an album you must own or you will die a total loser.

Another killer song.

The whole album is killer. I own three copies of this disc the disc is that good. I'm very picky about metal these days as I've heard it all. Vuur is the most impressive band out there on the market today. Looking ever so forward to their next killer album.