How much longer will Maiden last?

How much longer will Maiden last?

  • Less than 1 year

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • 1-4 years

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • 5 years

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • 6-9 years

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • 10 years

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • 11-14 years

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • 15-19 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • over 20 years

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
By how long they'll last I mean how long they will tour AND release new material.

I'd say they were running out of ideas so they'll only release 2 more studio albums and will tour for another 5 years.
live...quite long i suspect but in writing new material they are through in my opinion if Dance of death does not becomes many many steps better than the terrible overrated brave new world.
i dunno, their last 3 albums weren't that great, if they keep it up they won't last much longer
i give them another 5 years
i agree that they can't go on for too much longer... i said 5 years (but i hope it is actually longer)... IMO the problems may come when they start to get long into their 50s (i realise nickos already there) and look like a bunch of alice coopers running around onstage... :ill:

but then on the other hand if they can keep up the standard of music, and if you think of the likes of deep purple can keep going then why not?...

i just negated myself i think :guh:

oh well... never mind...
If Dance of Death is no better than BNW, hopefully there will be no more studio albums. Realistically, I reckon another 1 or 2 albums and probably another 4-6 years.
In my opinion, which is at least half-justified by the fact I have actually heard tracks from the studio album, I am not just going on guess work. I would say Dance of death is set to be a lot better than Brave new world. If you do not like Brave new world, however, then there is not much hope for you. Although by the sounds of your miserable, reluctant attitudes I guess you have already given up :rolleyes:
The_Seventh_Sin said:
Although by the sounds of your miserable, reluctant attitudes I guess you have already given up :rolleyes:

How on earth you came to this conclusion by the replies to this thread is well beyond my comprehension.....

I think you had better go and have a wee lie down.......
Alex999 said:
If Dance of Death is no better than BNW, hopefully there will be no more studio albums. Realistically, I reckon another 1 or 2 albums and probably another 4-6 years.

Well this guy hopes there will be no more studio albums made if DOD is like Brave New World. Ok, he says the word hope but do not be fooled.

Since The X Factor they've ran out of quality new ideas and this one will have less new ideas than BNW, they're just growing tired of releasing music.

And good old profanity has proven my point. He has not heard anything more than a live version of Wildest dreams (he may not have heard that either) and yet he is trying to judge Dance of death already. "this one will have less ideas than BNW", where the hell does he get that from?

To me, these two replies are certainly not written in good spirit. Fair enough, they may not have enjoyed BNW and think the setlist and live shows are becoming repetitive but there is no need to sound so gloomy before they have even heard it. :rolleyes:
The_Seventh_Sin said:
Well this guy hopes there will be no more studio albums made if DOD is like Brave New World. Ok, he says the word hope but do not be fooled.

well, yeah. I don't like a band that used to be my favourite releasing bad albums. That doesn't stop anyone else from liking them. In all serious, does anyone really want Iron Maiden to release crap albums (based on whatever your definition of crap may be)?
The_Seventh_Sin said:
but there is no need to sound so gloomy before they have even heard it. :rolleyes:
Ah, but then I may be pleasently surprised. Which is infinitely prefereble to the total let-down after expecting BNW to be a good album. If you expect the worst, anything else is an achievement.
Profånity said:
Since The X Factor they've ran out of quality new ideas and this one will have less new ideas than BNW, they're just growing tired of releasing music.

So you're saying that the X Factor is better than Virtual XI, and Virtual XI is better than Brave New World?
Rainking said:
So you're saying that the X Factor is better than Virtual XI, and Virtual XI is better than Brave New World?

Nearly right. The X Factor is better than BNW, but VXI is better than the both of em.
Alex999 said:
Ah, but then I may be pleasently surprised. Which is infinitely prefereble to the total let-down after expecting BNW to be a good album. If you expect the worst, anything else is an achievement.

Well that is a good outlook on it, I am glad that you would at least buy the album or at least give it a listen :metal:

My post was mainly targeted at profanity.