How much money is "good money"?

Mar 1, 2009
How much per hour/year would you consider the minimum amount you need to make to be classified as "good money?"

I say 50K/yr.
I'd say 75K a yr is the min for "good".

I'd guess it depends on your lifestyle really.

- When I was 16 and I made $5.85 an hour I thought that was good money.
- Now I'm 20 and I make $14.00 an hour and I think it's ok. I look at management making $20 an hour and think if I made that much I'd be rich.

Thankfully I don't have too much debt. If I continue this trend and actually make that $20 an hour, maybe then I'll think that's "good money".
If you can purchase a home, a decent car, afford to whip out a sapling or two, and still have a little left over for some Dolce & Gabbana, you're making "good money".