How much was the price of the original Gold Badge ticket?

Faith in the promoter.......... that's why we bought tix ahead of time. I would have done the same thing last year.......and probably will for next year if Glenn gives me time to find a job before putting the tickets on sale! :D

I had NO problem paying $200 for two gold badges this year before knowing who would be playing. I will continue to do so as long as Glenn allows it. There are probably many others who have attended previous PP festivals who feel the same way!! I think most of the gold badges were/are sold to previous gold badge holders. Thanks Glenn!!!...umm...can I get my badge for next year now :D ??
I'll have to agree, I had no problem paying for my GB before knowing the lineup. Glenn does a bangup job with this thing, & we all have faith in him..sign me up for next year's GB now, Glenn! :)
Barring any serious life changes I will be going and supporting PPUSA (and hope to support PP Europe as well someday) as long as they keep having them, bottom line!!!

Band members were all over the place last year. There should be ample opportunity to meet many of them. Heck, I even saw Oyvind and Lars from Sprial Architect sitting outside the BW Granada chatting with people. Just keep your eyes'll be surprised who you may see ;)