How old is your favourite guitar?


Proud Behringer User
Feb 19, 2012
Probably a stupid question, but how old is your favorite guitar that you own?
My Ibanez Universe UV7BK has had her 22 year birthday. Retired the old bitch, she is in the spare room for now.
Jackson warrior prol >22years old (my fav guitar)
Jackson RR pro>21years old (my main guitar)
My first Ibanez Universe is one of the original UV777BK's which makes it around 14 years old. My guitar tech said it's one of the nicest guitars he's worked on because of how old it is. He says it reads his mind when adjusting the truss rod.
My favorite guitar - Charvel Model 6 is 22 years old (produced in 1989).
Other guitars also old enough, Charvel SDK (Fusion) produced in 1993 (it`s hard to identify exactly, it can be also 1989), Caparison TAT produced in 1996.

1987 Jem777, I bought it the 1st week they came out when I was 18. Still Love to play it! They only made the neck like this the 1st year and IMO its the best neck Ibanez ever made.
My favorite guitar is the first one I ever got and I still use frequently, a MIM Fender Standard Stratocaster. It has been through numerous hardware changes throughout the years, including a neck swap to get jumbo frets. It was made in 2000/2001 which is when I got it. It's actually funny, well to me anyway, I have owned and sold off a ton of guitars over the years that were much nicer looking, better wood/build quality, some costing 4x as much, yet I have kept my Strat and always considered it my main guitar. It's what I learned to play on, been through a lot with it haha. My other favorite is the Gibson Faded Explorer I got a couple years back, if it weren't for my Strat it would be my #1.
Had a bunch of old instruments. I still miss a 1981 Dean Flying V "Baby", but it was ridiculously small, felt like playing balalayka:)
I love my Dean Cadillac Custom Shop (1996) and Ovation Elite 1868 (1989).