How Smart Are You?

You GOT a score of 11 out of 11
You rating: Only 3 people have ever scored this high
This is based on the Simon Evans score rating system
answers below

Now Here's the Twist;), your answers not only can tell your current intelligence, but the combination can also forcast your upcoming love life: Your Projected Love Life: Your Love Life may bloom soon <------ It's about freakin' time!!

Seen this test before, but still could only manage 9 of 11 correct. The good news tho- My love life is supposed to bloom soon! So, I got that going for me... which is nice.
Ya know, I saw this test a long time ago too but thought there might still be some who didn't and wanted to give it a whirl for shits and giggles. I, too, only pulled off a 9 even thought I did it a long time ago....duh. Me dumbo, not honor student! :err:
Hey Doodoobubbachuck, don't be so hard on yourself! You've got obvious good looks and musical talent, and can beat the hell out of the drumkit with ferocious beauty. Who needs brains?
Err...wait did I say that right?/forum/images/smilies/tongue.gif