How tall is Simen/height in metal

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
It's of little importance, but I'll be damned if the man doesn't look like a giant! My guess is 6'4 or 6'5 ish, though my estimation skills are far from decent.

And on a side note, what is the deal with tall people and metal? There are so many metal musicans that are very tall, it almost seems like short people are excluded from metal or are somehow uncool to the image of a band...There are exceptions of course, Dani Filth, Dio, etc...But they are the minority it seems. Any ideas on where this stereotype(fact?) stems from?

Maybe it's just all in my head, seeing as how I'm not tall....:confused:
Originally posted by Xhorder
Yeah he is really tall.. I think about 2 metres in height..

i think he is little shorter. imho 192-195 cm:p anyway, the highest musican is Dlugi (guitar) from polish brutal death metal band AZARATH and melodic death ENTER CHAOS. he is fucking tall - 210 cm or higher...
ohhh.... the guys and girl from The Project Hate is tall too
Originally posted by Russell
What about ToN's Pete Steel.... Not only is he tall (6"6') he's built like a brick shithouse, hence the deep voice I guess :)

Yeah - the first dude I came to think of as well.... He looks like
he plays a guitar when he stands there with his bass...
Originally posted by Lordenlil
Yeah - the first dude I came to think of as well.... He looks like
he plays a guitar when he stands there with his bass...

He looks like he plays guitar when he stands there holding his double bass (as in the classical instrument) too! He lifts it as easily as if it were a violin :eek: :)
I met Horgh, and he's not THAT tall....fat, yes...tall, not really......

I met Oystein and Simen in 99 though and they were DAMN tall (or so it seemed to me...I was only 17, and about 2 inches shorter...soooo)
i thought samoth would be short cause of the emperor dvd, but actually when i went to see zyklon, he was bigger then i thought. now trym from enslaved,emperor, and zyklon is really short, even though in the dvd he looks tall. weird huh?
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
i thought samoth would be short cause of the emperor dvd, but actually when i went to see zyklon, he was bigger then i thought. now trym from enslaved,emperor, and zyklon is really short, even though in the dvd he looks tall. weird huh?

Samoth? he is very short and slim. i seen Samoth in october 99 on the last Emperor gig...
Something I have notivced at UM, mainly male care about how a musician look like and noticing first, when things have changed etc... this makes me thinking... :lol:

I mean I often hear the stupid phrase "females are only into particular music, because the musician look good" (I guess those males coming up with such phrase are pure jealous...)
I will send them all to UM just to see how wrong they are... :lol:
Lol! Nice observation Morgie! >:eek:)
But you can't deny there are some hot hunks
in metal! And you KNOW you like watching
them! >:eek:P hehehe...

All these um men are partially gay, or at least
bi-curious! That's the reason! hehehe...
I hardly claim a human ugly, because it is all a matter of taste and I'm that kind of person who sees beauty in everything and everyone, but I do not discussed it like most male here :lol:
Nor do I bother about how tall someone is...

Music was my first love...