How to achieve the kick sound in this video


New Metal Member
May 14, 2013
Here is it,
I find this kick sound is so in your face and unique especially its mid high.
I tried to reproduce the sound in Superior Drummer 2 and with some trigger layering but no good. I also searched in japanese sites but also found nothing. Now I am seeking wisdom from the west :) Thanks!
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I only hear a very degenerated master that's way too loud :)

+1 on that!

Sorry to tell you that, but forget the idea to reproduce something 100%. Not going to happend at anytime. Try to hear what compressors and EQs do when you lay them on a kickdrum, and try different samples when SD doesn't cut it for you. It is kind of like asking how to play guitar, nothing you can read somewhere and just do it. You have to figure out yourself how to achieve a certain sound. And btw. what about asking the person who mixed the song?